Monday, February 11, 2008

New Treatment for Pain of Lam-"Mint"-Itis?

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh's Royal (Dick) Veterinary College in Scotland are turning to ancient medical traditions to help horses deals with the pain of laminitis.

Professor Sue Fleetwood-Walker, with researcher Rory Mitchell, is taking a clear, scientific look into Chinese and Greek traditions using mint to treat pain, in hopes that mint therapy might be key to the nerve-damage pain that is part of the complex response that horses have to the damage in their feet when laminitis strikes.

Previous research by Fleetwood-Walker, also conducted at Edinburgh and published in the journal Pain, chronicled evidence for a neuropathic component to the chronic pain state associated with equine laminitis, indicating that anti-neuropathic analgesic treatment may well have a role in the management of laminitic horses. In that study, electron micrographic analysis of the digital nerve of laminitic horses showed "peripheral nerve morphology to be abnormal, as well as having reduced numbers of unmyelinated (43.2%) and myelinated fibers (34.6%) compared to normal horses", according to the study's abstract.

Fleetwood-Walker has researched "phantom" pain in human amputation patients and also horn pain response in small mammals; her team discovered that cooling chemicals with the same properties as mint oil had powerful painkilling effects when applied in small doses to the skin.

The receptor molecule TRPM8 is responsible for the sensation of moderate cold and it has long been known that cooling eases pain. However, the Edinburgh researchers have shown that this receptor acts to induce a pathway of responses that ease the crippling effects of neuropathic chronic pain which is very different from the acute pain associated with direct trauma. Substances such as icilin or menthol, known activators of TRPM8 which mimics the sensation of cooling, may then be used to treat neuropathic chronic pain.

The compounds were likely to have minimal toxic side effects, being applied externally, and were likely to prove ideal for patients with chronic pain who found conventional painkillers ineffective. The next test is to find a way to test mint medications on horses with laminitis.

This research is funded by The Horse Trust, a leading British horse charity.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

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French Study Compares DOD in Thoroughbred, Standardbred and Warmblood Foals

An example of a French warmblood sport horse; photo provided by the national stud system of France.

A new study from France compares developmental orthopedic disease (DOD) in three breeds of horses raised with similar environmental and farming conditions. Warmblood, Standardbred, and Thoroughbred foals were compared. The study’s authors include Hoofcare and Lameness Journal consulting edition Jean-Marie Denoix of the CIRALE Center in Normandy, France. The study is published in the February issue of ANIMAL, The International Journal of Animal Biosciences.

Developmental orthopedic disease (DOD) affects all breeds and is a common cause of pain and lameness for horses in sports. The authors remark that no comparison studies have ever been conducted between breeds that included consideration of the conditions on the breeding farms.

The study examined the limb joints of 392 weaning-age foals from 21 participating stud farms. The foals were radiographed on the front- and hind-limb digit, carpus, hock and stifle joints. X-ray data were analyzed by three experienced equine veterinarians who gave a common assessment about the entity and the severity of radiographic findings.

Distribution of breeds in the study was 25.0% Warmblood, 41.1% Standardbred and 33.9% Thoroughbreds.

To quote the authors in the findings of the study:

“DOD was present in 66.3% of the foals (95% confidence interval = 61.6% to 71.0%). The most severely affected sites were the proximal part of the hock and the femoro-patellar joint (of the stifle region) for Warmblood and Standardbred foals, and the fore fetlock and the distal part of the hock for Thoroughbred foals.”

Finding such prevalence in the breeds of horses should make it easier for veterinarians to confidently use radiographs of specific sites to monitor growing horses for developmental problems.

Perhaps the most shocking news of the study was that two-thirds of the foals showed evidence of DOD, in the first place.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


DSC_9308kopie Jumper, originally uploaded by Ton van der Weerden.

Ton van der Weerden was in the right place at the right time. The place was the North Brabant region of Holland and the time was a split second when a huge Brabant draft horse (one of the the foundation breeds for American Belgian) took a flying leap over a two-strand wire fence.

Did he make it? Did he see the top strand at all? Ton's not telling.

But this horse got some air under him. He probably could have just leaned on the wire and stepped over it.

Thanks, Ton!

Friday, February 08, 2008

End of an Era for Kentucky Horse Park Farrier

Farrier, originally uploaded by XianRex.

Harlan Pennington told me today that his last day as farrier at the Kentucky Horse Park will be February 24th. That's Harlan in the nice photo with this post.

Harlan has been farrier at the Horse Park outside Lexington for more than eight years. His job is to shoe the Park's 100 or so horses--including 20 draft horses--and also meet and greet the public who wander through the shop as they tour the grounds.

He said he did not know who his successor would be or what the hiring process would entail.

The farrier shop is centrally located on the grounds and will soon be expanded. Harlan will still be associated with the project, as he is chairman of the American Farrier's Association's Kentucky Horse Park Visibility Committee.

Harlan said that the front part of the shop, where the public enters, will be enlarged into a 10 x 20 foot room that he hopes will become an educational display area to explain blacksmithing and the American Farrier's Association. The AFA national headquarters is located in a nearby building.

By my count, Harlan is the fourth farrier to work at the Horse Park since it opened. The first farrier, John Bodkins, had two assistants...and only 20 horses to shoe. Bodkins was followed by Saddlebred expert Shorty Roberts, who in turn yielded the anvil to Dave Gibson. Harlan came in to help Dave with the draft horses when he was hurt...and never left.

The farrier shop should be open during the upcoming American Farrier's Association convention, to be held in Lexington at the Lexington Center downtown and the Horse Park arena February 28 to March 1.

The centerpiece of the shop is no doubt the huge framed photo on the wall, showing farriers from (probably) England or Ireland shoeing a light draft with roadster shoes.

Double-click on Christian Lipski's photo to see an enlarged view of this wide-angle shot of one of America's most talked-to and photographed farrier icons. What you are seeing on the blog is a cropped version of the original photo.

Harlan is president of the Bluegrass Horseshoers Association and will serve as the host association's convention coordinator for the AFA.

We'll miss you, Harlan.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Santa Anita Cancels Friday Racing While Artificial Track Rehab Continues

Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, California, announced today that live racing will be canceled Friday due to a one-day delay in the last phase of its main track renovation. Racing is set to resume on Saturday. This is the track's second closure for track revamping in the 2008 race meet; some racing days were also lost because of torrential rain that aggravated the situation.

According to Ian Pearse, founder of Australian based Pro-Ride, whose synthetic polymer and binder is being blended into the troubled Cushion Track synthetic surface, the initial timeline of starting last Sunday and completing on Thursday was jeopardized because the track was still wet from Sunday’s rain, which forced cancellation of live racing on Sunday.

“We expected to make substantial progress starting late Sunday,” said Pearse. “We began amending the track, but the uneven drainage left it very wet in places and drier in others. The binder and polymer application is the most crucial piece of the renovation puzzle, and it cannot be done properly unless the surface is consistent, which delayed the initial application of the polymer until Monday.”

Santa Anita President Ron Charles said, “We know and deeply regret that the lost days have inconvenienced many horsemen and fans. At this point, as painful as it is to everyone to miss another day, an extra 24 hours is absolutely necessary to make sure that we allow Pro-Ride the time to complete this massive project according to their exact specifications.

"Our track crews have been working from 7:00 a.m. until after midnight every day, and will continue to do so until we get this finished. We will definitely race on Saturday. Ian agrees, and is very confident that the process is going well now. The portions of track that have been completed so far are as good as we expected. We have become increasingly encouraged that this new surface is going to be what we had hoped -— a good, consistent and kind surface that we all believe will drain properly for the rest of the meet.”

After rain caused drainage problems in the new Cushion Track, Santa Anita contracted with Pro-Ride to remix the Cushion Track with Pro-Ride's liquid polymetric binder fibers, which are not waxed. Pearse was interviewed by the Blood-Horse earlier this week.