Did your New Year's Resolutions include a pledge to keep up with new research and developments in the research side of things? That could be a full time job. It could also be pretty costly, unless you have access to a library with the right journal subscriptions. Given the availability of the journals on the web now, and the fact that articles are published on the web months before they appear in print, the Hoof Blog introduces a new feature of a linked list of articles for you to investigate, if you're interested. Each article has a link to its home on the web, where you can read the abstract or the complete article or paper. Some may be available in PDF format for downloading. Others require a subscription or sign-in access. This might be the time for you to update or start to use a reference curating tool like Endnote, RefWorks, Zotero (free), Mendeley (free) and many similar apps to store links and full papers in HTML or PDF you find on the Internet. Some have apps so they work on your iPad or iPhone, too. An elegant and efficient desktop app is the handsome "Papers", which looks a lot like your iTunes dashboard and won Apple design awards when it was launched. Papers lets you horde everything you want on a subject and offers the advantage of attaching notes to papers and email forwarding integration as well as the ability to search a dozen or so different search engines, libraries and databases. The newest version qualifies as eye candy but the old version (Papers 2) seems to be available as a free download, while the new (Papers 3) has a hefty price tag. Even though Papers looks Mac-ish, it works on PCs, as well. Just to be clear: with reference curation tools, you are not downloading papers from the web, you are storing links to them unless they are available in PDF form. Since some papers are available on multiple sites, you may check different sites to see if the entire paper is available or just an abstract. Articles in PDF format can usually be downloaded or stored on the app for future reference, which frees up hard-drive space. A less formal free web plugin like Evernote can be set up to store web-based journal references, as well. Evernote's "notebooks" can be named to match major categories of research that you follow or search for, such as laminitis or canker or foal development. To view the new articles from late 2013 and January 2014, click the article title link to go to the journal's page for that article. The abstract should be displayed, and some will automatically show the full article. If you see a prompt to pay for the paper, you will need to do so, buy a subscription to that journal, or find a library or source that has access to the Wiley or Elsevier journals. Some public libraries can access them through database subscriptions that you can, in turn, access from your computer using your library card sign-in information. Your reference librarian can be a very valuable asset to your professional development. Make a new friend today! Anatomy and Morphology Computed Tomographic Anatomy of the Equine Foot S Claerhoudt, EHJ Bergman, JH Saunders - Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 2013 Morphological and Biomechanical Properties of Equine Laminar Junction B Faramarzi - Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 2013 Biomechanics and Gait Impact of walking surface on the range of motion of equine distal limb joints for rehabilitation purpose JL Mendez-Angulo, AM Firshman, DM Groschen, PJ Kieffer, TN Trumble - The Veterinary Journal, 2013 A preliminary study on pressure-plate evaluation of forelimb toe–heel and mediolateral hoof balance on a hard vs. a soft surface in sound ponies at the walk and trot M. Oosterlinck, E. Royaux, W. Back, F. Pille - Equine Veterinary Journal, 2014 Lameness The range and prevalence of clinical signs and conformation associated with lameness in working draught donkeys in Pakistan CC Burn, JC Pritchard, ARS Barr, HR Whay - Equine Veterinary Journal, 2014 A comparison of 3-T magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography arthrography to identify structural cartilage defects of the fetlock joint in the horse F Hontoir, JF Nisolle, V Simon, M Tallier, R Vanderstricht, N Antoine, J Piret, P Clegg, JM Vandeweerd - The Veterinary Journal, 2013 Recent Advances in Standing Orthopedic Equine Surgery T O'Brien, RJ Hunt - Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, 2014 Comparison between palpation and ultrasonography for evaluation of experimentally induced effusion in the distal interphalangeal joint of horses J Olive, N Lambert, KA Bubeck, G Beauchamp, S Laverty - American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2014 Does periosteal scraping of the third metacarpal bone decrease the incidence of 'bucked shins' in young Thoroughbred racehorses? S Plevin, J McLellan - Equine Veterinary Journal, 2013 Advances in the understanding of tendinopathies: A report on the Second Havemeyer Workshop on equine tendon disease R Smith, W McIlwraith, R Schweitzer, K Kadler, J Cook, B. Caterson, S. Dakin, D. HeinegĂ„rd, H. Screen, S. Stover, N. Crevier-Denoix, P. Clegg, M. Collins, C. Little, D. Frisbie, M. Kjaer, R. van Weeren, N. Werpy, J.-M. Denoix, A. Carr, A. Goldberg, L. Bramlage, M. Smith, A. Nixon - Equine Veterinary Journal, 2014 Laminitis ![]() NJ Bamford, SJ Potter, PA Harris, SR Bailey - Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2013 Toll-like receptor and pro-inflammatory cytokine expression during prolonged hyperinsulinaemia in horses: implications for laminitis MA de Laat, CK Clement, CM McGowan, MN Sillence, C.C. Pollitt, V.A. Lacombe -Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2014 The equine gastro-intestinal tract: An overview of the microbiota, disease and treatment LMT Dicks, M Botha, E Dicks, M Botes - Livestock Science, 2013 Molecular Characterization of the Pathophysiology of the Digital Laminae in Acute Carbohydrate-Induced Equine Laminitis EA Pawlak - Doctorate dissertation, University of Massachusetts, 2013 Approaches to managing laminitis D Rendle - Veterinary Times, 2013 Current status and future directions: Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction and equine metabolic syndrome JE Sojka‐Kritchevsky, PJ Johnson - Equine Veterinary Journal, 2014 Management and Environment Investigation of Equestrian Arena Surface Properties and Rider Preferences DS Holt, Danielle Susannah - Masters thesis (abstract), University of Central Lancashire, 2013 Natural Feeding Strategies for Sport Horses; A “Contradictio in Terminis”? N Hilmo, D van Doorn - 2013 (Ghent University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine thesis document) Effect of period, water temperature and agitation on loss of water-soluble carbohydrates and protein from grass hay: implications for equine feeding management AC Longland, C Barfoot, PA Harris - Veterinary Record, 2013 Patent Applications Therapeutic Support Horseshoe CJ Burns, SE Morrison - US Patent 20,130,277,070 (2013) Equestrian Performance Sensing System FM Smith, X Olivier - US Patent 20,130,280,683 (2013) To Learn More: Overview of citation software at MIT: Managing your references |
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