Showing posts with label Clare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clare. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2012

Laminitis Trust's Eustace Welcomes Owner-Sourced Research Donation from Feed Company Spillers

Robert Eustace, founder of the Laminitis Trust, receives a cheque from Rachel Austin of SPILLERS®

The British feed company Spillers® has donated GB£12,000 (approximately US$20,000) to the Laminitis Trust, to help fund important research on the devastating condition of laminitis in horses.

The funds were raised as the result of a special campaign run by Spillers®, which involved the feed company donating 20p (about 30 cents in US currency) to the Laminitis Trust from every bag of Spillers Happy Hoof®, sold during the months of April and May 2012.

Happy Hoof is one of two high-fiber products Spillers makes for laminitis-risk horses.

The Laminitis Trust, founded in 1998, is the only registered charity in Great Britain dedicated exclusively to supporting research into equine laminitis.

Clare Barfoot, RNutr, the research and development manager at Spillers®, said: “The Laminitis Trust is at the forefront of essential work to discover the causes of this painful and debilitating condition and we are proud to be able to support their endeavors.”

Robert Eustace, founder of the Laminitis Trust continued: “We are extremely grateful to Spillers® for this generous donation. All the money will be used to help fund our laminitis research projects. Horse owners should select feeds carrying the Laminitis Trust Feed Approval Mark logo to help them keep their animals at the correct body weight and reduce the risk of laminitis.”

Information for this article was received in the form of a press release from Spillers.

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