Showing posts with label Distal Limb Development and Effects of Shoeing Techniques on Limb Dynamics of Today's Equine Athlete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distal Limb Development and Effects of Shoeing Techniques on Limb Dynamics of Today's Equine Athlete. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dutch Hoof Balance PhD Thesis "Distal Limb Development and Effects of Shoeing Techniques on Limb Dynamics of Today's Equine Athlete" by Meike Van Heel Published

"Distal Limb Development and Effects of Shoeing Techniques on Limb Dynamics of Today's Equine Athlete" has been published in The Netherlands! Dutch researcher Meike van Heel PhD has assembled her papers and dissertation on hoof balance into the pages of a lovely book. It is 174 pages, with color photos and art (though not enough of either).

Here's the blurb from our sale flyer on this book:
A landmark study of hoof balance and growth uses traditional and high-tech research modalities to bring new information to equine hoof science. Pressure mats, force plates, video gait analysis, radiography and keen observation of equine posture and behavior yield a document rich in the use of science to back up common sense. Studies examine the prevalence of uneven feet (so-called “high-low syndrome”). Documents how a horse compensates for hoof growth to maintain balance and how a rolled toe shoe aids in efficient movement and joint mechanics.

  • Lateral grazing behavior induced by foal conformation 
  • Potential consequences of uneven feet in foals 
  • Effect of trimming on dynamic pressure measurements of hoof balance 
  • Changing center of pressure and hoof-unrollment over 8-wk shoeing interval 
  • Hoof growth effects on P3 vs P2 joints 
  • Compensation for changes in growth between shoeing sessions 
  • Rolled toe effects on breakover in sound warmblood horses 
  • Discussion and Summary
Watch for Meike to be a lecturer at conferences later this year or next year. She will be consulting for Mustad on innovative development of products and trends from her base in Holland.

Meike was a featured speaker at the International Conference on Equine Locomotion, hosted by Dr Hilary Clayton at Michigan State University in 2004. Her research was featured in an article on gait analysis and videotaping of horse movement in Hoofcare & Lameness #78.

Note: Meike's book is no longer available for sale. If a new edition is printed, it will be announced on The Hoof Blog.

Text and photos © 2006 Hoofcare Publishing. Text and photos posted on “The HoofBlog”, a casual news source for subscribers and friends of Hoofcare & Lameness: The Journal of Equine Foot Science. Learn more (and subscribe online using our secure server) at or write to Hoofcare Publishing, 19 Harbor Loop, Gloucester MA 01930 USA. Tel USA 978 281 3222; Fax 978 283 8775, or email

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