Showing posts with label Izzy Taylor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Izzy Taylor. Show all posts

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Badminton Farrier Prize 2016: Charlie Sands' four-star horseshoeing wins (Part 1)

Farrier Bernie Tidmarsh watches horse trot at Badminton Estate stables
Resident farrier Bernie Tidmarsh watches a horse at the Badminton House stables, used for the Duke of Beaufort's Hounds and the Badminton Horse Trials. Bernie has a forge at the end of the stable block. He's won the Farriers Prize at the Badminton Horse Trials multiple times. (Fran Jurga photo)

Hint: if you want to win the Farriers Prize at the four-star Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials in England, consider having your partner shoe your horse.

Or, alternately, if you're a farrier, consider helping your partner make it all the way around Badminton so your shoes have a chance of being judged the winners on the final day of the event.

Fact: For the past three years, the Farriers Prize has been awarded to a horse shod by the rider's partner.

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