Showing posts with label Mulholland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mulholland. Show all posts

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Friends (Very Hard) at Work: Dr. Judith Mulholland Is Still Fighting Australia's Fires

by Fran Jurga | 2 April 2009 | Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog

Time flies. One minute we're worried about koalas in Australia, then the world's worries shift to Red River floods in North Dakota and all the animals at risk there. Just tonight, I heard about tornado warnings for the Louisville, Kentucky area. Will we ever reach a point of disaster fatigue? Do we switch disasters the same way we switch channels on television?

What many people seem to forget is that when the fire is out, or the flood recedes, or the earth stops trembling is when the next round of real work begins. Roads have to be cleared before rescue workers and veterinarians can even get to the animals. They have to not only treat the animals where they are but then figure out how to transport them to a save fenced in area, and to make sure they are fed.

So it was for our friend Dr. Judith L Mulholland BSc BVMS in the firetorn remains of the Australian communities in Victoria that experienced "Black Saturday" less than 60 days ago. Normally a podiatry-specialist vet, Dr. Jude took up the call to help however she could and has been pitching in. Among her ways of helping was to prepare a videotape of the animals she met on just one of her days of rescue work.

Along with this short video focusing on horses' fate in the fires (brought to you from Australia by the miracle of, Dr. Mulholland said that she is working on an hour-long documentary about the devastation to livestock and pets.

I highly recommend a visit to Dr. Jude's excellent web site, Many Hoof Blog readers will see an old friend on her opening page.

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