Showing posts with label NTRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NTRA. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Paynter Recovery from Colitis and Laminitis Voted 2012 Moment of the Year; Owner Designates Veterinarian to Accept Award

Stakes winner Paynter was taken ill in August while training at Saratoga in New York. A month of life-and-death struggles with colitis and acute laminitis followed. Many horses don't survive this type of medical insult but Paynter clung to life and is now back in training at Santa Anita in California. His story was publicly broadcast via the Twitter social media network by his owners, Zayat Racing. Racing fans adopted the horse's struggle and cheered "Power Up, Paynter" at every turn.

A racehorse's recovery from colitis and laminitis was chronicled on the Hoof Blog in September 2012 and was voted today the "Moment of the Year" in American horseracing. Paynter's battle gripped everyone's attention--and amazed everyone who thought he'd never survive.

Paynter battled laminitis and colitis with the help of a corps of skilled and dedicated veterinarians and farriers; the horse was transferred to a small vet hospital near Saratoga, New York following his victory in the 2012 Haskell Invitational at Monmouth Park. His struggle has been voted the 2012 National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA) Moment of the Year.

Monday, March 19, 2012

NTRA's New-Look Thoroughbred Horseshoes: Fantasy Footwear Video

This video makes you wonder who created that prototype for the NTRA! No additional information is far although it looks sort of like a plastic-coated Easy. It looks like these commercials may be destined to air on national television. 

They come in Zenyatta's silks colors!

Call 978 281 3222 to place your order; ships immediately and you'll use it often!

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