Showing posts with label Quigley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quigley. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hoofcare at the Super Bowl: Have the Commercials Gone to the Dogs?

I have a feeling this will be my favorite commercial during the Super Bowl on Sunday. This is just a preview. Quigley is a French bulldog and he reminds me of an ad we ran in Hoofcare + Lameness years ago. Mustad's ad agency, Scott Inc. of Milwaukee, put red high-top Keds on a horse. It is possibly my all-time favorite hoof ad.

So far, I haven't seen any Super Bowl commercials with horses. But rumor is that the Budweiser Clydesdales are scheduled to have a brand new commercial, as has been the custom for many years.

If my sources are correct, this one from the Budweiser Super Bowl commercial archives should be a clue to what you'll see in the Clydesdale commercial this year:

Has the Super Bowl gone to the dogs? It seems like most of the ads either feature dogs or are about cars. Volkswagen probably wins there, by combining cars and dogs in the same commercials. They are sticking with the Star Wars theme introduced last year, but even the galactic empire has gone to the dogs this year.

Audi has a terrific spoof on vampires, which you might not get if you aren't a Twilight fan.  Do you have a favorite that you've seen previewed? Are you as interested in the commercials as you are in the game? Share your favorites!

 Watch a great preview of many of the Super Bowl commercials on Adweek's web site.

I'd like to see Quigley in the Budweiser links to Adweek Magazine.
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