Showing posts with label Spanish Riding School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spanish Riding School. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Back from Vienna: Underfoot with the Spanish RIding School Lippizaners

Hoofcare & Lameness Journal editor Fran Jurga has returned to the office after a quick trip to Vienna, Austria to assist the Spanish Riding School there with media and hoofcare preparations for their upcoming USA tour in November.

The famous white Lipizzaner stallions may be in need of farrier assistance when they tour, since they are not bringing Herr Gerstner, their independent-contractor farrier, with them. They require highly techical Euro-style shoeing, which looks deceptively simple. All are shod with Dutch shoes with toe clips, front and hind; a few are barefoot behind.

This is the SRS's first USA tour in 15 years. Read more about the Lipizzaners and their feet in issue #79 of Hoofcare & Lameness Journal.