Showing posts with label Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valley. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Favorite Big (Big!) Horse Photo: Bart's Turn on the Cross-Ties

New Shoe, originally uploaded by Mountain Mike.
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that one of my favorite photographers is "Mountain Mike" Edminster. The Sun Valley pro has an eye for farriers, horses, and the great outdoors, and his camera just seems to like leather, rust, dust and cobwebs--which are, of course, some of my favorite things (in photographs).

To date, Mike has entertained the blog with photos of Idaho horseshoers in the dead of winter and the heat of summer, he's shown beautiful tools, and he's played with color and black and white in the same photo. But we haven't see many of the horses from Sun Valley, other than a hoof here or there.

Well, now we know that Mike's been holding out on us. Meet Bart. Where's he been all my life? Notice that the horseshoer, Jesse, and his dog, Sage, both look a little hesitant about working on Bart, who's just had an operation of his right front (hence the duct tape).

Does it appear to anyone else that Bart's head is longer than his legs? I'm just saying...

Thanks, Mike! I hope Bart gets well soon!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Jerry Black DVM Will Leave Pioneer Equine Hospital for Colorado State University Equine Science Program Role

Hoofcare and Lameness has learned that Jerry Black DVM, co-founder of Pioneer Equine Hospital in Oakdale, California, will leave veterinary practice at the end of June to pursue a new role in the horse industry as Equine Science Program Undergraduate Director at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. Dr. Black founded Pioneer Equine Hospital in 1973 and built it into one of the leading veterinary hospitals in North America.

A statement sent today by Pioneer Equine Hospital on behalf of the hospital "family" read, "We wish him great success and want him to know that he will always be a part of our family here in California. "

Dr. Black brings unique qualities to his new role at CSU. In addition to his experience as a veterinarian who specializes in performance horse lameness, Dr. Black has been a leading breeder and exhibitor of cutting horses, and owner of Valley Oak Ranch, a stallion station and breeding farm in California. He is past president of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, is currently a member of the board of trustees of the American Horse Council, and has had many horse and veterinary industry roles.

Dr. Black earned his veterinary degree at Colorado State University. The "equine science" program at CSU includes the reproductive and orthopedic research laboratories, among other units, and grants degrees to both undergraduate and graduate students.

14 June 2010 | Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog at 
 © Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing. Please, no use without permission. 
Photo: Pioneer Equine Hospital