Showing posts with label amsterdam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amsterdam. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Science Meets Art: Details of Horses on a Treadmill Fill Screens of Chaja Hertog's "Four Riders" Video Installation

Nothing much happens but there's plenty to look at. Hoof Blog readers may be mesmerized or bored or inspired or exasperated by this two-minute excerpt from a video artist's interpretations of disembodied but parallel equine details. Best experienced in full screen mode; click the embiggen icon between "HD" and "vimeo".

The Hoof Blog talks a lot about science. The anatomy and physiology of the horse's hoof are combining with locomotion and biomechanics; slowly, but surely, a field of science is emerging.

But is it art? Creative video artist Chaja Hertog thinks so...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Quality Road Recovers from Quarter Cracks and Smashes Track Record at Saratoga!

A quick news flash from Saratoga: You may remember the name of Quality Road, a three-year-old who was a top contender for the Triple Crown this spring until he popped a quarter crack in a hind foot while setting a new track record at Gulfstream.

While recovering from that crack, he popped one in his front foot on the same side. The colt has been laid up since March, trained lightly, and switched trainers from Jimmie Jerkens to Todd Pletcher.

Quality Road had his first start today since Gulfstream and he won the Amsterdam Stakes on while setting a new track record for six and a half furlongs on the dirt at New York's Saratoga track.

And he set that record in spite of stumbling out of the gate.

It looks like Quality Road is back on all four feet again. That's the kind of hoofcare success story we like to report.