Showing posts with label copper sulfate silicone hoof packing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label copper sulfate silicone hoof packing. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Diagram of Support Shoe Package for Barbaro

Barbaro's shoe to prevent support limb laminitis

This artwork was provided by Rob Sigafoos and New Bolton Center. In order to post it here, it had to be reduced in size and resolution. I hope you can still see it. My narrative post (see above) explains the layers and construction of the device.

To learn more about Sigafoos shoes and copper sulfate silicone hoof packing, please visit:

If you wish to contact Rob Sigafoos directly, and of course many people do want to, please DO NOT call the central switchboard at New Bolton Center. They are swamped with calls.

To reach Bill Kirkpatrick at Sound Horse Technologies, manufacturers of the Sigafoos shoes and the other products used on Barbaro, please call call 1 800-801-2654 in the USA or 610-347-0453; fax: 610-347-1822 or email

Text and photos © 2006 Hoofcare Publishing. Text and photos posted on “The HoofBlog”. Learn more (and subscribe online using our secure server) at or write to Hoofcare Publishing, 19 Harbor Loop, Gloucester MA 01930 USA. Tel USA 978 281 3222; Fax 978 283 8775, or email

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