Showing posts with label farrier licensing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farrier licensing. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

AFA Announces Open Forum Meeting on Farrier Licensing

Perhaps due to popular demand, a special Open Forum Membership Meeting of the American Farriers Association has been scheduled for Friday, September 9, 2005 at 1 p.m. in Omaha, Nebraska.

The meeting was announced in a special press release received on June 21st at the Hoofcare & Lameness Journal office. The full press release will be posted on the Hoofcare & Lameness Journal web site,

Details from the press release include:

All AFA members are welcome to attend....the next day, the AFA Board of Directors will be meeting for their 2005 Mid-Year meeting....recommendations from the Open Forum meeting on Friday can be brought to the Board meeting for their consideration.....AFA Vice President Bob Earle, CJF, has agreed to serve as the moderator for the meeting....using a “loose set” of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Hotel reservations may be made by calling the Omaha Hilton at 1-800-HILTONS or (402) 998-3400; the AFA discounted rate is $75 per night.

For more info, contact Bryan Quinsey at the AFA office: (859) 233-7411.

Please do not call the Hoofcare & Lameness office about this event. We will share any info we receive by either this blog or the web site.

Please read posts on this blog and at for information on this spring's events related to the AFA's task force on farrier regulation/licensing in the United States.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

American Farrier's Association Dissolves Education/Regulation Task Force and Begins Assembling a New Task Force

This message is from Bryan Quinsey, executive director of the American Farrier's Association and was received at our office on 26 May 2005:

Earlier this week AFA President Craig Trnka made a decision to thank the Farrier Education/Registration Task Force for their work. He and the Executive Committee feel that they have accomplished their mission. They have researched the issue, filed a report with the Board of Directors, and made recommendations for the adoption of resolutions. The Board has accepted their report and approved three of their resolutions. Letters of appreciation will be sent to Walt Taylor, CF (Chairman); Gene Armstrong, CJF; Mike Miller, MD, CJF, AWCF; Mitch Taylor, CJF; and Tom Wolfe, CJF.

Again, in accordance with the AFA bylaws, Craig has elected to name a new Task Force to follow through on the decision of the Board to create and implement the survey of the farrier schools. We are currently seeking out members AND non-members to serve on this new Task Force. A number of farriers have already indicated their willingness to serve, but we want to be as inclusive as possible. Here’s your chance to serve your association and the farrier industry. The Chairman of this new Task Force has not yet been named. If you or someone you know would like to serve on the Task Force please contact me directly.

We are extending this invitation to serve to the BWFA, Guild of Professional Farriers, and others.

For more information, please visit