Showing posts with label farrier regulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farrier regulation. Show all posts

Saturday, August 07, 2021

The Olympic Hoof Explained: Swedish farrier outlines barefoot management of gold medal team

The Olympic Hoof barefoot showjumper

Everyone has questions about the shoeless Swedish showjumpers that have been so successful at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Sweden won the Team Gold Medal Saturday, as a followup to rider Peder Fredricson's Individual 
Silver Medal for jumping earlier this week.

To explain it to you, we went straight to the source. Peter Glimberg is the farrier at Peder Fredricson's training farm and oversees the hoofcare of some of the world's most elite show jumpers, many of whom now train and compete without shoes on carefully-groomed arena surfaces.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

American Farriers Association Posts Update on Regulatory Campaign and Farrier Education

The American Farrier's Association published a blast of documents today on its members' web site,, and AFA Executive Director Bryan Quinsey "went public" in a forum on the web site, where he candidly discussed the recent controversy between the AFA and a vocal group of offended members.

At the same time, the AFA published the first edition of a new members-only newsletter, No Foot No Horse, which will be published from the AFA's Kentucky office. According to the newsletter, the AFA's once-secret task force on farrier regulation and education has been disbanded, and a new group is being formed with the sole function of studying farrier education in the United States.

The news came as a great relief to many AFA members who were confused about the AFA's new direction and political agenda and felt that they had not been informed of major policy initiatives by the executive board.

Unfortunately, rumors are flying through the farrier world and even in the horse industry that farrier licensing is an imminent threat to the profession in the United States and that the AFA has betrayed its members, many of whom joined the AFA because they felt it offered an alternative to external governance of the trade and would act as an advocate. Other members would like to see licensing become a reality.

All farriers say that they want full disclosure from the AFA on this important matter that affects their livelihoods. Today's steps by the AFA are hopefully the first of many in that direction.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Doug Butler Speaks Out on Farrier Regulation and Education "Crisis"

Dr. Doug Butler, farrier

18 May 2005

Doug Butler, author of the leading textbook on farrier science in the world, has spoken out on the subject of a perceived "crisis" in the way that farriers are educated in the United States.

Working with Hoofcare & Lameness editor Fran Jurga, Dr Butler has written a short statement on farrier regulation, which was the hot button item on the agenda of the American Farrier's Association at their recent convention in Tennessee in February.

Dr Butler has also written a longer statement on overall farrier education, which he has been intimately involved in for decades. His book is used in the classroom or recommended as an external reference at most US farrier schools.

In addition, Dr Butler has traveled to and been tested under both free enterprise and government-regulated farrier systems.

Dr. Butler's statement on farrier regulation:

"American farriers have been the envy of the world because of their freedom to practice the craft without political interference and their ability to obtain a high standard of living.

"Granted, our standard of practice should be higher. This will be changed only when we attract and convert more dedicated craftsmen with the desire and integrity to adhere to high standards – not by legislating curriculums.

"The call for regulation is the obsession of a few manipulators who favor bureaucratic control as a solution for all of life’s injustices. Those of us who have practiced and taught the trade for several decades have seen that politically-administered control in the hands of a few is not wise."

--Doug Butler (AFA) CJF PhD FWCF