Showing posts with label iPad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPad. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2012

Cornell Vet School Adds iPads for Portable Radiograph Display

Cornell's Dr. Cheetham shows a client his horse's radiograph right in the farrier shop!

Cornell University Hospital for Animals is excited to share that they have initiated the use of iPads in both the small and large animal hospitals to provide a convenient way to show clients high resolution medical images.

The new Retina display is very good on the iPad 3--possibly better than most of the computer monitors around the vet school's hospitals!

Also, with 64GB storage, these iPads will become a mobile reference library for each hospital section.

Cornell technology also allows a clinician to monitor a horse's heart rate with an iPhone.  The iPhone ECG uses AliveCor's technology and displays highly accurate readings without attaching any leads to the animal. The results are uploaded to the "cloud" where the data can be converted to a PDF, printed, emailed and shared with the owner, vet and trainers.

The 22 iPads were made possible by a grateful client's charitable annuity, which specified that the gift be used for educational purposes. Cornell is excited to use this technology towards the advancement of education and service!

Thanks to Cornell Veterinary Medical Equine Performance Clinic.

You can have a lot of fun with an iPad...image by (T)imothep 
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