Showing posts with label umugatsu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label umugatsu. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hoofcare History: Japanese Hoof Sandals Gave Horses Removable Traction

T. Enemi image of horse wearing sandals courtesy of Rob Oechsle
This amazing photo from Japan shows the traditional straw sandals worn by horses there. The sandals attached with straw ties around the pastern. Notice that this horse's hind feet are left alone. (T. Enemi image courtesy of Rob Oechsle)

As much as I love reading the history of hoofcare and lameness from British and American historical perspectives, it's the other countries and other parts of the world that keep my reading lamp on at night. There is so much we don't know about how hooves were cared for in other cultures.

From my reading, it almost seems like horseshoes were one of the things that European merchants and explorers brought with them to new lands--and left behind, along with Christianity. They converted the people to Eurocentric religions and their horses to iron shoes.

But what were they using before the Europeans showed up, and is there something that we can learn from them?