Showing posts with label veterinary college. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary college. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2018

New York Governor Announces Funding for Veterinary College on Long Island

veterinary news long island university

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced last week that his state is investing $12 million in the establishment of a new veterinary college on the existing campus of Long Island University (LIU)  in Brookville, New York. According to Cuomo's news release, the $40 million project will "fill a void in the academic landscape, while generating new opportunities for medical research and jobs creation in the state."

Friday, June 03, 2005

A New Veterinary College for New England?

A University of Connecticut board of trustees committee is weighing options for establishing a veterinary college. They discussed a consultant's report yesterday indicating it would cost between 35 and 95 million dollars to build the school for 100 students. It could take up to 14 million dollars a year to run it.

Currently the only veterinary college in New England is Tufts, with campuses in North Grafton and Boston, Massachusetts.

Did you know that Harvard University once had a thriving vet college side-by-side with the medical college? There still are a lot of animals at Harvard, used for research purposes, and the college employs veterinarians concerned with their health and welfare..