Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dutch Hoof Balance PhD Thesis "Distal Limb Development and Effects of Shoeing Techniques on Limb Dynamics of Today's Equine Athlete" by Meike Van Heel Published

"Distal Limb Development and Effects of Shoeing Techniques on Limb Dynamics of Today's Equine Athlete" has been published in The Netherlands! Dutch researcher Meike van Heel PhD has assembled her papers and dissertation on hoof balance into the pages of a lovely book. It is 174 pages, with color photos and art (though not enough of either).

Here's the blurb from our sale flyer on this book:
A landmark study of hoof balance and growth uses traditional and high-tech research modalities to bring new information to equine hoof science. Pressure mats, force plates, video gait analysis, radiography and keen observation of equine posture and behavior yield a document rich in the use of science to back up common sense. Studies examine the prevalence of uneven feet (so-called “high-low syndrome”). Documents how a horse compensates for hoof growth to maintain balance and how a rolled toe shoe aids in efficient movement and joint mechanics.

  • Lateral grazing behavior induced by foal conformation 
  • Potential consequences of uneven feet in foals 
  • Effect of trimming on dynamic pressure measurements of hoof balance 
  • Changing center of pressure and hoof-unrollment over 8-wk shoeing interval 
  • Hoof growth effects on P3 vs P2 joints 
  • Compensation for changes in growth between shoeing sessions 
  • Rolled toe effects on breakover in sound warmblood horses 
  • Discussion and Summary
Watch for Meike to be a lecturer at conferences later this year or next year. She will be consulting for Mustad on innovative development of products and trends from her base in Holland.

Meike was a featured speaker at the International Conference on Equine Locomotion, hosted by Dr Hilary Clayton at Michigan State University in 2004. Her research was featured in an article on gait analysis and videotaping of horse movement in Hoofcare & Lameness #78.

Note: Meike's book is no longer available for sale. If a new edition is printed, it will be announced on The Hoof Blog.

Text and photos © 2006 Hoofcare Publishing. Text and photos posted on “The HoofBlog”, a casual news source for subscribers and friends of Hoofcare & Lameness: The Journal of Equine Foot Science. Learn more (and subscribe online using our secure server) at or write to Hoofcare Publishing, 19 Harbor Loop, Gloucester MA 01930 USA. Tel USA 978 281 3222; Fax 978 283 8775, or email

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Bachelor's degree in farrier science in the future?

"As a result of the validation of both (these) courses, farriery is now recognized as a true profession alongside Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants and, heaven forbid, even Veterinary Surgeons" writes Myerscough College Senior Farriery Lecturer Mark Caldwell.

Big news from England this week. Myerscough College and the University of Lancashire have announced a new program in advanced farrier science. The education system is a bit different in the UK, as compared to the USA, but this program will be open to US students and will also have some distance-learning components. It will be designed to prepare farriers to pass thet Worshipful Company of Farrier's Associates test, which is their mid-level of advanced farrier, followed by the Fellowship.

We are waiting for the official paperwork on the course structure from the unversity.

First of all, Mark says that there is no other program like this, anywhere in the world. "There is an amendment being put through UCLAN academic standards for the BFSc; this is available to USA students from September 2007, subject to qualification and the completion of bridging modules." he wrote to Hoofcare & Lameness in an email on 24 May. He is interested in collaborating with farrier education programs in the USA and other countries. "We are hoping to recruit some students from the USA and the practical sessions will be conducted during a month-long summer-type school," he writes.

Here are some main points about the course, which Mark has also posted on web sites in the UK:

1. The honors degree course, which includes the foundation degree, has been set up in conjunction with University of Central Lancashire as a modular route to the Worshipful Company of Farriers (WCF) higher examinations. Both courses have had the benefit of external academic advice from the WCF and are in fact supported whole heartedly by the WCF.

2. The content of both courses has been written by the course team which includes myself, Neil Madden FWCF and Major J. Reilly PhD, BVSc, MRCVS and has followed the WCF higher examination syllabi.

3. The foundation degree is a distance learning course incorporating periodic college attendance (currently 2 days per month during college semesters) and encompasses anatomy and physiology, equine biomechanics, pathology of diseases, dynamic gait analysis, teaching and assessing, lameness evaluation and diagnostic imagery, employment and health and safety regulations pertaining to small business as theory modules delivered through on-line format. Practical subjects, including shoemaking, shoeing for pathological diseases, farriery protocols and shoeing with modern materials, are taught during the monthly workshops on campus.

4. The honors degree includes a double dissertation module (10,000 words), corrective farriery for juveniles, verification and examination techniques and business planning modules.

5. All modules are assessed in part by course work and substantively by end-of-module examination. These examinations follow closely those currently set by the WCF with the final practical examination (similar in format and content) monitored by WCF examiners.

6. All examinations will have written mediation monitored by the university academic approvals body which includes two technical advisors from the WCF

7. Both the foundation degree and honors degree are validated by the university academic standards committee and have the approval of the WCF. Both courses allow the candidate, subject to the pass grade of 60%, to apply to the WCF for either the AWCF, in the case of the foundation degree, or the FWCF in the case of the honors degree in the same way as the current military B2 or B1 allow for the diploma and associate awards. Candidates that fail to reach the 60% mark will have to sit the WCF examination separately.

8. Both courses are designed with the express intent of maintaining the WCF integrity as guardian of the standard of craftsman ship whilst recognizing the science of farriery on a formal academic basis in line with the veterinary profession.

9. The foundation degree is only open to registered farriers who hold the WCF diploma or recognized equivalent, currently the American Farriers Association CJF. The honors degree will only be open to holders of the foundation degree or WCF Associate award. Those students only holding the associate award will be required to undertake 4 bridging modules before starting the honors degree in order to prepare them for the academic rigor of level 3 degree study.

More details are available in Hoofcare & Lameness Journal, issue #80. No link to further information is currently available via the Internet.
Learn more about the art and science of the horse's hoof in our journal (and subscribe online using our secure server) and on our website at or write to Hoofcare Publishing, 19 Harbor Loop, Gloucester MA 01930 USA. Tel USA 978 281 3222; Fax 978 283 8775, or email

Can't get enough Barbaro? More links!

And the links go on...
This is getting a little lengthy...but some people want to read it all. So here you go! I am updating this regularly, with the most recent links at the top.
Maryland track officials analyze slo-mo video of injury from all angles, think they are 80% sure that Brother Derek and Barbaro had contact leading to injury.
Great essay about weightbearing and recovery after surgery with quotes from JD Howard DVM, the vet who worked with Nuryev after his leg surgery.
The New York Times of 29 May gives balanced coverage to charges of vet error or assistant starter incompetence in the search to understand why the colt broke down. Includes a letter from a Montana veterinarian and his charges.
Did you know that Dr. Dean Richardson is from Hancock, NH? (Not Hanover, although that is where he earned his BS, at Dartmouth) And that he operated on Barbaro on the anniversary of the death of his father? Here's the local press's angle on Barbaro's surgeon
"Human intervention has been so pervasive that on some level these are scarcely horses any longer but centaurs, part equine and part human, their lives so intermingled with ours that there is no separating the two."--From "Our Creation, Our Concern: Equine Evolution", a critical essay by Linda Greenhouse published in the 28 May Sunday New York Times. An interesting aside: the author is the Times's Supreme Court reporter.
This is a

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A Message from Steve Kraus about Buster Conklin's Health

Hello Everyone-
I have some great news about Buster (Conklin), he seems to be recovering! I just spoke with him and he sounds much better. He had a doctor appointment today and his bilrubin count is down and the doctor is quite confused why he is showing signs of recovery. Apparently you all have done your job well by calling him, sending cards, and praying. He thanks you all for the support that he has received. We all thought he had one foot in the grave last week, but miracles do happen. He is not out of the woods yet, but for now the outlook is better. He could have a recurrance because his liver is still damaged, but right now he is on the mend. Don't forget about him.
Steve Kraus

Note: Buster Conklin is a senior farrier and former resident farrier/insructor at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. He has a lot of friends and supporters all over the world who will be happy to hear this news.

Barbaro Fund at UPenn’s New Bolton Center

KENNETT SQUARE, PA – An anonymous donor has given a very generous gift to launch the Barbaro Fund for the George D. Widener Hospital at New Bolton Center. Due to the overwhelming outpouring of support for Barbaro, the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine has also established a website where people can send messages of support for Barbaro and where donors can offer their support for animals treated at New Bolton Center.

“It is wonderful that we can create something so very good out of Barbaro’s tragedy and to help celebrate animal athletes,” said Gretchen Jackson, Barbaro’s owner. “This fund in Barbaro’s name will honor him and provide a lasting resource to help care for animals treated at the Widener Hospital.”

Donations will go directly to a fund for the Widener Hospital and not specifically for Barbaro’s care.

Donors can find out how to offer monetary gifts at:

Well-wishers can send e-mail to Barbaro via a form at:

Text and photos © 2006 Hoofcare Publishing. Text and photos posted on “The HoofBlog”, a casual news source for subscribers and friends of Hoofcare & Lameness: The Journal of Equine Foot Science. Learn more (and subscribe online using our secure server) at or write to Hoofcare Publishing, 19 Harbor Loop, Gloucester MA 01930 USA. Tel USA 978 281 3222; Fax 978 283 8775, or email

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Monday, May 22, 2006

"Cripple Crown"

That was the full-page headline on one of the New York tabloids on Sunday.

Text and photos © 2006 Hoofcare Publishing. Text and photos posted on “The HoofBlog”, a casual news source for subscribers and friends of Hoofcare & Lameness: The Journal of Equine Foot Science. Learn more (and subscribe online using our secure server) at or write to Hoofcare Publishing, 19 Harbor Loop, Gloucester MA 01930 USA. Tel USA 978 281 3222; Fax 978 283 8775, or email

Note: this blog is an interactive web page. By clicking on the envelope icon at the bottom of an article, you can instantly email that article to a friend. By clicking on the word “comment” after a post, you can leave a message, which may be viewed by future blog readers who click on the same “comment”. Commenting may require registering with You may also comment by emailing the author, Fran Jurga, at and your comment will be posted for you, technology willing.