Friday, November 03, 2006

AAEP Update from Dr. Steve O'Grady

Here's some additional information from Dr. Steve O'Grady, who has been organizing the farrier conference at the upcoming AAEP Convention in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. O'Grady writes:

"The foot topics will kick off on Sunday afternoon December 3, 2006 with 3 X one and one half hour table topics. These are sessions on a given topic with two facilitators where a discussion is generated among the attendes.

"I will facilitate one on barefoot versus shod with Dr Dan Marks. This is a very controversial subject which will no doubt stimulate debate especially with farriers present.

"Two well veterinarians, Kent Carter and Tracy Turner will direct a session on foot lameness which always turns out to be a learning experience.

"Finally, Bill Moyer and well known farrier Rob Sigafoos will man a session on the management of various hoof wall defects. These two practitioners have a world of experience on crack repair.

"I will post highlights of the upcoming convention periodically in the near future. It should be a great experience for all."

--Steve O'Grady

Stranded Dutch Horses Rescue on BBC Site

Here's a link to some great stills and a video clip of the rescue of 100 horses stranded in floodwaters in Holland. I was stranded there myself, albeit in the comfort of the airport, earlier this week.

Link to a Great Article!

Everyone in the realm of Hoofcare & Lameness knows Michael Wildenstein, farrier at Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine. Mike is a consulting editor here at the magazine and a great friend. He'll be hosting Cornell's highly-regarded farrier conference next weekend at the large animal hospital, which will attract farriers from all over the country.

Cornell posted a nice story and photos about Mike today on their site; here's the link:

Photo by Jason Koski/University Photo.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

New Research: Raising Heels on Front vs. Hind Feet Have Different Effects

This just in: A new research report from the University of Vienna details a thoughtful project that many on the practical side of hoof research have wondered about for a long time.

At the recent International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology (ICEEP) held in Fontainebleu, France in August 2006, researchers Girtler, Licka, Kicker, and Peham walked around to the back end of the horse to compare their colleagues' research findings from the front end.

They evaluated the horses barefoot, then added a 2 cm and finally a 4 cm wedge to the hind feet and worked the horses at a walk and a trot on a treadmill, with 8 markers per limb and 15 cycles per effort, per horse.

Among their findings: the angle of the coffin joint changed significantly between the walk and the trot; raising the heels increased the angle more at the walk than at the trot. Fetlock extension in the mid-stance phase was reduced when the wedges were added.

They concluded: "Raised heels decrease hind fetlock extension, which is different to the effect of raised heels on the fore fetlock. Additionally, raised heels led to a significant reduction of hock extension during stance phase at walk and trot, supporting the reported positive influence of raised heels in horses with spavin."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Good-bye to Cal Chilton

Hoofcare & Lameness just learned that friendly salesman Cal Chilton has left the employment of Vettec. I have hardly ever been to a farrier event on the east coastt without seeing his friendly face and Cal has been a wonderful friend and help to many exhibitors and event organizers--as well as to farriers interested in Vettec's excellent products.

It just won't be the same without you, Cal. Good luck and stay in touch!

Monday, October 23, 2006

AAEP Extends 2006 Convention Registration Deadline for Farriers

UPDATE: As most of you know, the AAEP is hosting its first-ever farriers conference at their 2006 convention in San Antonio, Texas, to be held December 3-6. The farrier program is on Tuesday, December 5, but farriers can also attend any programs they wish, including a special program on palmar foot pain, during the convention.

I spoke with Dr. Steve O'Grady (AAEP's farrier conference organizer) over the weekend because I knew the deadline for the lower advanced registration price was coming up (today). The form can be a little confusing if you are trying to register as a non-vet. There is no place on the form that specifically says "farrier"; instead, you should just register as a "Spouse/Guest attending sessions" and, in the box, write "farrier". Don't worry if you have already registered and didn't write in the box.

By the way, Dr. O'Grady said that the AAEP has agreed to extend the registration deadline for farriers to receive the discount rate of $395 for at least one more week (til 10/30/06). I wrote a little article about the conference for the November issue of EQUUS, which people are receiving right about now, so it is a wonderful idea to extend the deadline for all the readers of that magazine who might want to attend.

I have already spoken to or heard from a lot of farriers, from all over the country, who plan to attend this first-ever farrier conference at an AAEP convention.

Here's a link to the AAEP convention site, where you can download the full convention program and forms:

(Don't forget to register for a hotel room; this conference is one that requires you to book through the organization for choice hotels near the convention center.)

The farriers-only conference doesn't seem to be listed on the AAEP site, but you will find info on the general lameness and foot lectures listed there, all of which are open to farriers.

It is easy to register online but I am sure that you could probably also print out the form and mail or fax it to the AAEP.

You can read and printout the AAEP hoof-related convention info from this link:
or, for an interactive version where you can post a comment or question and start a dialog, look right on this blog:

Anyone who is attending and would like to be part of my informal network to stay in touch with developments and get tips on how to make the most of the convention's offerings and whatever impromptu fun that I can organize for the hoof-inclined, send me an email ( and I'll share with you anything I know.

Hoofcare & Lameness Journal will launch a special San Antonio-bound blog as soon as I get back next week.