Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New Bolton Center Laminitis Initiative Announces First Research Appointment

Dr. Hannah Galantino-Homer has been appointed the senior research investigator of the newly created laminitis research initiative at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Galantino-Homer will serve as a leading investigator in Penn Vet’s laminitis research efforts. The appointment was effective July 1.

“With this appointment of one of our best and brightest, Penn Vet reinforces its commitment to equine disease research,” said Dr. Joan C. Hendricks, the Gilbert S. Kahn Dean of Veterinary Medicine. “Dr. Galantino-Homer’s appointment is our first step in focusing and investing more time and funds in answering the fundamental questions of what causes laminitis and how it can be treated. Her expertise and vision will help us develop preventative and therapeutic management strategies for this devastating condition.”

Prior to her new appointment, Dr. Galantino-Homer was a lecturer and researcher in the Center for Animal Transgenesis and Germ Cell Research, located at Penn Vet’s New Bolton Center.

Dr. Galantino-Homer received her VMD from the School of Veterinary Medicine and her Ph.D. from the Biomedical Graduate Studies at Penn. Her undergraduate degree in biology and English literature is from Swarthmore College. Dr. Galantino-Homer, who attended the George School in Bucks County, is also a Diplomate of American College of Theriogenologists.

The new initiative will enhance work currently being done at Penn Vet in the area of equine disease research, which is funded in part by donors to the Laminitis Research Fund. Laminitis, a debilitating and painful condition of the hoof, is a silent killer that affects horses around the globe. Both the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) list laminitis as the priority area for equine research and funding.

This post is from the University of Pennsylvania.

Monday, July 16, 2007

First You Dig a Hole: Groundbreaking for New Equine Hospital at Belmont Park

Construction has begun on the equine medical facility at Belmont Park. The ground-breaking ceremony was held on Friday afternoon.

According to project developers at IAEH, the scope of the project has grown substantially and the intended $7 million project has grown to more than $15 million, and the size of the facility has more than doubled. The facility will provide a wide array of diagnostic imaging, multiple surgical suites, treadmill endoscopy, full chemistry lab, and pharmacy.

The practice will be headed by Dr. James Hunt, who will oversee the practice; he currently cares for more than 60 percent of the Belmont Park equine population, according to IAEH.

Surgery will be enhanced with the services of Dr Patty Hogan. Dr. Hogan was the recipient of the 2005 President's Award for performing potentially life-threatening cranial surgery on Smarty Jones, affording that colt the opportunity to become a Kentucky Derby winner.

She also gained national recognition when she surgically repaired a hairline condylar fracture of the left front cannon bone suffered by multiple Grade 1 winner Afleet Alex.

Dr. Hogan intends to lend her talents to up and coming surgeons. The plan is to grow the practice from within and have young surgeons learn their trade under the tutelage of Dr. Hogan. The facility also would like to work closely with area veterinarians and will strive to become the top referral clinic in the northeast.

Fox Sports New York (FSNY) will feature IEAH Corporation's groundbreaking for the equine medical facility on its “Inside Racing” program which will air today at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

PAG '07: Behind the Scenes with USEF Veterinarian Rick Mitchell

Here's a familiar face to anyone in the sport horse world. Rick Mitchell DVM is one of the founders of Fairfield Equine Associates in Newtown, Connecticut. Fairfield is considered one of the most high-tech practices in the East and certainly has one of the most sophisticated clinics and equipment. The practice is devoted exclusively to lameness diagnostics. Dr Mitchell has been "team" vet for the USA for several international FEI-level events and is the vet for the dressage team this year in Brazil.

Dr. Mitchell at work on US dressage team horse Sagacious HF, an eight-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding who is currently at the top of the leader board at the end of the first day of competition at the 2007 Pan Am Games in Brazil. Holding the horse is Mae Williams, who is Lauren Sammis's groom. She formerly worked for Hyperion Farm, owners of the horse, and was a working student at Knoll Farm on Long Island, home of dressage trainer Anne Gribbons.
Apparently there was some concern about equipment at the new equine hospital at the equestrian center in Brazil, so Team USA did not "travel light" when it came to the list of supplies and vet equipment to pack. Here you see Dr Mitchell and his wife Julie unpacking the "vet box" on arrival. Among the gear is a complete spare set of shoes for each horse. I believe most or all of the horses were shod by Wellington, Florida farrier (and Hoofcare & Lameness Journal subscriber) Don Later while they were in quarantine in Wellington.

Thanks to Lauren Sammis of the USA dressage team for sending home these photos!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Street Sense Sends Roses to Pan Am Dressage Horse

Two dozen yellow roses showed up at Hyperion Farm in Wellington, Florida recently. They were addressed to Sagacious HF, the eight-year old Dutch Warmblood gelding owned by Hyperion Farm's Al and Judy Guden. The horse will compete for the USA tomorrow in the dressage at the Pan Am Games in Brazil.

And they were signed by a horse that knows a whole lot about roses: 2007 Kentucky Derby winner Street Sense.

The roses were a token of good luck from one champ to another but also testimony to an old friendship. The Gudens switched from owning Thoroughbreds in New York to owning dressage sport horses in Florida when the moved south but Judy Guden went to school with Street Sense trainer Carl Nafzger years ago in West Texas...hence the yellow roses!

Al Guden emailed me tonight with this insight into one of America's top sport horse owners and one of America's great Eclipse Award-winning Thorougbred trainers: "Judy and Carl went to school in Olton, Texas from the first grade right through high school. They graduated together in a class of 42!"

He continued, "Carl trained race horses for us for a number of years. We had an Unbridled mare named CEO Sis who had a short and successful career and she produced one horse that we race and won a few more races."

(Note: Carl Nafzger trained Kentucky Derby and Breeders Cup Classic winner Unbridled. You may remember the famous video clip of him at Churchill Downs alternately shouting at and kissing the 90+ year-old owner Mrs Genter. His famous speech was "He's taking the lead. He's gonna win. He's gonna win. He's gonna win. He's a winner! He's a winner! He's a winner, Mrs. Genter! You've won the Kentucky Derby, Mrs. Genter! I love you,"--that was one of the greatest Derby moments ever!)

Carl and his wife Wanda recently visited Hyperion Farm to wish the Gudens well.

Street Sense by the way will be a shut-in (probably literally) this weekend while Churchill Downs hosts a Police concert. Once that is over Street Sense will head to Saratoga; his arch-rival Curlin arrived there yesterday.

There's another connection here; both Judy Guden and Al Nafzger were friends with the late great laminitis specialist farrier Burney Chapman from Lubbock, Texas. Judy says that Carl still stays in touch with Burney's sons, who are all farriers. Carl used to shoe his own runners back in the days when he was training Quarter horses at Ruidoso Downs in New Mexico, Judy says. The Gudens and Hoofcare and Lameness Journal became friends when Burney died in the late 1990s.

For all those reasons and more, I'll add my best wishes to those of Street Sense. Let's hope that Sagacious HF and his rider Lauren Sammis shine in the Brazilian sun tomorrow!

The Gudens will be waiting for a call to tell them how their horse does in the big arena tomorrow. Judy opted not to attempt the trip as she is completing another round of treatments for ongoing breast cancer therapy.

Lauren Sammis's saddle cloth (below) says so much about the caring spirit of this rider, the courage of such a young horse to represent his country overseas, and what we all hope will be the joy of a proud owner who loves her horse. That horse has a lot riding on him; win or lose, he's brought the Games into perspective for many of us.

Learn more about Sagacious HF and other Hyperion Farm champions like KWPN young stallion champions (in Europe) Uptown, and Washington (owned in partnership with Kathy Connolly and Toine Hoefs) at

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

American Farrier's Association Election Nominees Announced

The following information is second-hand from the American Farrier's Association web site and I am printing it as is, typos and mistakes included, since this is an official document. (But trust me, Bruce Daniels has not moved to New Hampshire.)

Commentary: the two top offices of the AFA are unopposed unless someone decides to mount a write-in campaign. A total of 31 people stepped forward to serve on the AFA's new regional board of directors. I think that there will be three elected from each region. Region 3 (midwest and Ohio) has the most candidates with nine.

Twenty out of 31 (65%) of the Board nominees are certified to the journeyman level in the AFA. Only three hold no certification level at all.

One person, Rick Burten, is a candidate for both Treasurer and The Board.

Six states had two candidates each: Massachusetts, New York, Tennessee, Indiana, Oklahoma, and California.

Two former AFA presidents are on the list: Bruce Daniels and Walt Taylor.

Biggest surprise: former certification czar Dennis Manning is a candidate for the board.

Of interest (but I don't think this means anything): Toolmaker Roy Bloom, FPD clinician Dave Farley, Mustad consultant Steve Kraus, AFA magazine editor Danvers Child, and GE Tools tech expert Dan Bradley would bridge over to the industry-side of the AFA if elected. In fact, if all five are elected, they would make up one third of the board.

Of great interest: Stan Davis is running against Steve Davis in District 4. That might confuse some people!

Perhaps of no consequence: no one from Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Colorado, Montana or Washington is a candidate for the Board. These states were traditionally strongholds for the AFA. Times do change.

Here are the nominees:

President Elect Nominee: Dick Fanguy, CJF, #2146 (Standing VP)

Vice President Nominee: Eric Nygaard, CJF, #1227

Treasurer Nominees: John Blombach, CJF, #2036 and Rick Burten, CJF, #3414

Region 1 Directors: Pat Gallahan, CJF, #2986, AZ; Jason Harmeson, CJF, #1371, CA; Kenny Lyon, CJF, #6303, CA; Bill Searle, CJF, #819, OR

Region 2 Directors: Michael Chance, CJF, #3092, OK; Dusty Franklin, CJF, #4361,OK; Alan Larson, CJF, #2785, TX; Dennis Manning, CJF, #270, UT; Walt Taylor, CF, #1, NM; William J. (Toby) Tobbler, CF, #2006, MO

Region 3 Directors: Roy Bloom, CJF, #1102, WI; Rick Burten, CJF, #3414, IL; Danvers Child, CJF, #3919, IN; Dave Farley, CF, #1516, OH; Scott Kelber, CJF, #5567, IA; David Kleindendorst, CF, #6719, MN; Dion O’Brien, CJF, #4260, IN; Garnet Oetjens, CJF, #2038, MI; Chris Zizian, #6173, Ontario, Canada

Region 4 Directors: Dan Bradley, #522, MS; Stan Davis, #8001, GA; Steve P. Davis, CF, #3980, TN; Ron Kramedjian, CF, #8231, TN; Jerry Langdon, CJF, #1879, NC; Mike (Dr. Michael ) Miller, CJF, #5206, AL

Region 5 Directors: Deborah Ash, CF, #2403, NH; Bruce Daniels, CJF, #460, NH; Mike Givney, CF, #5420, NY; Steve Kraus, CJF, #360, NY; Sean McClure, #7907, MA; Jack Millman, CJF, #1489, MA.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Two Billion People Like the Sound of 070707 and Live Earth

The numbers all added up today. With concerts in New York, London, Johannesburg, Rio, Shanghai, Tokyo, Sydney and Hamburg, a new age of global media events was born. Here's the official video, with Madonna's catchy new tune. The pictures flash by really quickly but yes, there's a horse in there. A zebra, too!

Long live this planet.

(Just click on the arrow on the video window to start or go to