Tuesday, April 08, 2014

PBS "My Bionic Pet": Putting Hooves and Paws and Tails Where They Weren't

On Wednesday, April 9, the PBS documentary series Nature will focus on pets who are missing parts. The star of the show will be the all-time star of this blog, Molly the (Three-Legged) Pony, but you'll also meet Chris P, the piglet who lives in a wheelchair or Mr. Stubbs, the alligator who needed a tail, and a pack of pooches who are running with the best of them but without as many legs.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Dubai Hoofcare: What--or Who--Was Underneath the Horses in the World's Richest Race?

Australian farrier Rob Stevenson now lives and works in Dubai. He demonstrated shoeing a lead pony with
gold raceplates before the Dubai World Cup last week; this week he's in China.

The emirate of Dubai is a tiny speck on the map, but it is growing into one of the world’s premier destinations for farriers and innovations in hoofcare. Saturday’s Dubai World Cup races in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) brought not just the world’s best horses and trainers and jockeys to the tiny desert nation; it brought farriers and some horses left with more interesting equipment on their hooves than when they arrived.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mark Milster: Farrier accolades "mean nothing" if the horse isn't happy


The Oklahoman newspaper and newsok.com tracked down former World Champion farrier Mark Milster for a nice interview and video. The video gives a peek into Mark's shop, which should make toolhead readers happy. 

And the story of how Mark worked his way to the top of the farrier profession should inspire us all.