Saturday, December 31, 2005

Edward Martin Update

Edward Martin has had some health problems and is resting at the hospital in Scotland. I spoke with the night nurse today and he will hopefully be going home sometime later this week.

In case you don't know him, Edward Martin FWCF MBE is the worldwide spiritual leader of the farrier community. If there is such a thing as a living legend, he is one.

If you would like to send Edward a card, write to Edward Martin, Field's End, Closeburn by Thornhill, Dumfries, Scotland.

This nice photo of Edward in better health was taken by our friend Alice Johnson. Thanks, Alice.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What's up with farriers and vets in the UK?

A change is afoot. The first clue was when it was announced that our friend Simon Curtis FWCF Assoc.RCVS, would take over as chairman of the Farriers Registration Council. Simon will not be the Registrar, as had been rumored; Miles Williamson-Noble will remain in that position, which is the chief administrator's role.

The bombshell came with a quote in this week's Horse & Hound from British Equine Veterinary Association President Chris Rea. In commenting on the statuatory review of the veterinary sugeons act in the UK, Rea told H&H: "The review of the Veterinary Surgeons Act....will include the regulation of para-professionals- every one from physios and equine dentists to MAYBE farriers". [Horse and Hound, 28th Dec 05].

This is not a power-grabbing move by the veterinarians, however. In actuality, it has been proposed that the veterinarians will lose power, since one of the proposals is that they will no longer be self-governing but will have to answer to a board of non-veterinarians. The new board might be an umbrella over the vets and animal husbandry para-professionals.

We live in interesting times; no matter where you go, changes are being discussed.

Friday, December 23, 2005

USDA Horse Protection Act "Listening Session" in Tennessee in February

On February 8, 2006, USDA APHIS Animal Care will host a Listening Session from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Blue Ribbon Circle Club on the Celebration show grounds in Shelbyville, TN.

This meeting will be the first of six Listening Sessions Animal Care will host in 2006 all around the country, including sessions in Springfield, MO, Chattanooga, TN, Temecula, CA, and Dallas, TX.

The objectives of the meetings are to:

1) Gather public input regarding the next Operating Plan;
2) Gather public input about the future direction of Horse Protection Act enforcement; and
3) Share information with the public about past, present, and future activities of the Horse Protection program.

USDA will first present an overview of the Horse Protection Program, followed by an open microphone session for people to share information with USDA.

A transcription service will be present to capture all comments on paper, which will in turn be posted on Animal Care's Horse Protection web page. Persons interested in horses regulated by the Horse Protection Act are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts.

Questions about the Listening Session can be directed to
Darby G. Holladay
U.S. Department of Agriculture
APHIS Legislative and Public Affairs
Tel: (301) 734-3265

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Arky Pillsbury Has Died

Arky Pillsbury,the eternal official farrier at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress, has died in Florida. He was 89. I will post more details as soon as I know them. Arky was recently the subject of a wonderful tribute in the Quarter Horse Journal. They printed a photo of his smile as a full page photo. That smile was a permanent part of Arky's face. What a wonderful man. I will miss him. The Congress will never be the same.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tom Ivers: Equine Sport Science Guru, Has Died

I am very sad to tell readers and friends of Hoofcare Publishing that Tom Ivers has died. Tom was a controversial figure in the sportsmedicine and training world--and he loved being a controversy. He wore it as his badge of honor. I worked with Tom for many, many years and sold his books, tried his supplements, listened to his theories on interval training. He was a brilliant man who wanted to see horse performance and racing break new ground. He was especially helpful to me with his web-based discussion group "Equinescience". He was opinionated about feet but always kind to Hoofcare & Lamneess Journal and to me.

Here is the official account of his death from Standardbred Canada:

Tom Ivers Passes

November 16, 2005

Tom Ivers, equine scientist and author of several horse racing books including The Fit Racehorse, passed away on Sunday after a battle with lymphoma.
Ivers, 61, published nine books as well as newsletters, articles, advertising copy, scientific research, computer software documentation, and instructional videos on equine sports medicine. Ivers was one of the first to incorporate interval training into the training of equine athletes and was founder and president of Equine Racing Systems, Inc., an equine sales and consulting company based in Washougal, Washington.

In lieu of flowers, Ivers' wife, Edie, has requested that donations be made in her husband's honour to the Lymphoma Research Foundation:

111 Broadway, 19th Floor
New York, New York 10006


8800 Venice Blvd, Suite 207
Los Angeles, CA 90034


Note, for those of you who have asked, here is Tom's home address and contact info:
Tom Ivers
211 Sky Rd.
Washougal, WA 98671
(360) 837-3700
(360) 837-2102 voice/fax

I have been very moved by all the correspondence regarding Tom. I miss him, too.--fran

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Laminitis Conference in Palm Beach Gets GREEN LIGHT In Spite of Wilma

Official message from Slack Inc., event managers for the TIECOLADOTF, received today at 1:07 p.m.:

The Third International Equine Conference on Laminitis and Diseases of the Foot taking place in West Palm Beach, FL on November 4-6, 2005 will go on as planned. The Palm Beach Convention Center and the West Palm Beach Marriott sustained very minimal damage and both are open for business.