Showing posts with label Brenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brenda. Show all posts

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rood and Riddle Podiatry Joins with The Sanctuary to Offer Hoof-Related Services in Ocala Area; Seminar with Vets March 27

17 March 2010 | Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog at

Dr. Scott Morrison of Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky gluing shoes on an aged pony after cutting the deep digital flexor tendon (tenotomy) as a treatment for chronic laminitis.

The Sanctuary Equine Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation Center in Ocala, Florida and the Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital's Podiatry Center in Lexington, Kentucky are joining forces to improve advanced services available for hoof problems. Rood and Riddle will be offering podiatry services from The Sanctuary to farms and trainers and horse owners in the Ocala area.

The Sanctuary is a new 30-acre therapy facility with stabling for 42 horses located outside Ocala. Facilities include an equine hyperbaric oxygen chamber, Ferno AquaPacer Equine Underwater Treadmill, cold saltwater leg spa, equine swimming pool, training track, and many state-of-the-art therapeutic systems and services.

On March 16, Dr. Scott Morrison, director of the clinic at Rood and Riddle, said that one of three of the Kentucky clinic's hoof-specialist veterinarians--Raul Bras DVM, Vernon Dryden DVM, and Dr. Morrison himself--would be available to clients on a rotation basis at the Ocala location throughout the year. All three veterinarians are also trained and accomplished farriers.

Morrison said that they look forward to serving the diverse horse breeding and training operations in the Ocala area and that Rood and Riddle clients from throughout Florida and the southern states will also be able to haul their horses to Ocala for hoof treatment by the Rood and Riddle veterinarians.

Brenda McDuffee, The Sanctuary’s general manager, is enthusiastic about the new services her facility will be offering. “Rood and Riddle is one of the largest and most prestigious veterinary hospitals in the world," she said. "Dr. Morrison is a leader in equine podiatry and we are very excited to offer our clients a Rood and Riddle Podiatry Center at The Sanctuary.”

Horse owners, breeders, and trainers interested in booking appointments for horses with laminitis and other podiatry-related problems can call the Sanctuary (352 369 4325) or the Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital (859 233 0371) . The first cases will be seen March 28.

To introduce the central Florida horse community to the Rood and Riddle concept of podiatry services and expertise, The Sanctuary will host a Foot and Lameness Symposium at the center from 6-9 p.m. on March 27.

Anyone interested in the free symposium should call the Sanctuary at (352) 369-4325 to reserve a place.

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