Showing posts with label Scott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott. Show all posts

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Scott Lampert Product Test: Regen-X Hoof Wall Treatment Results Measured


Hoof Wall Regeneration Study by Farrier Scott Lampert

Introduction: If you spend any time on the show circuit in the United States, you know the equine-specialist Perfect Products company and the reputation of its line of show-oriented horsecare products.

This spring, Perfect Products joined the hoofcare industry when it introduced Regen-X, a hoof wall improvement product. More than a cosmetic hoof dressing, and different from a growth enhancement product, Regen-X is uniquely promoted to improve the health and quality of the hoof wall--from the inside out.

The product's marketing literature states that Regen-X re-invigorates the keratinization process within the hoof wall and re-balances the hoof wall’s susceptibility to excess or inadequate moisture content.

Minnesota farrier Scott Lampert
The company turned to Lake Elmo, Minnesota farrier Scott Lampert to evaluate their new product. Scott was familiar with the company’s products from his presence at horse shows and agreed to try it on several horses, one of whom was carefully documented.

Hoofcare Publishing welcomes Regen-X to its growing family of supporting companies and sponsors and commends them for documenting the use of their new product by a professional farrier.

Here's Scott’s description of his test of the product:

On May 22, 2012, we began testing Perfect Products’ Regen-x EQ hoof product on four horses as described on the bottle.

Test protocol

The test protocol consisted of picking two of the worst-condition feet on each horse and treating just one of those for one shoeing cycle. The intent was to evaluate claims that this product would improve the quality of nailable horn and hoof condition.The test was set up so that it would allow us to compare any measurable change to the same feet, as well as any differences to the pair of feet.

At the beginning of the testing period and throughout it, all horses were sound and their caregivers maintained the exact lifestyle, nutritional program, and care as they had been receiving before the product test began. No variables changed except for the addition of this product.

We found that all four horses responded consistently to this test.

The photos illustrate findings that we found consistent to all four horses. One horse, Scooter, was selected to have his hooves photographed for the purposes of this statement.

About the test horse

Scooter is a large show pony with normal weight and workload. At the time of our test, Scooter had a consistent wall thickness of 5.48 mm measured at three points on the circumference of his toe. His walls were graded as a 2 out of 5, in which 5 would be considered in optimal health. As you can see, his hoof walls are thin, weak, and shelly.

1. (Before)  Show pony Scooter’s left hind foot after routine trimming on May 22, 2012.

2. (Before) Software-processed image of Scooter’s left hind foot on May 22,2012 measured out the hoof wall thickness at three points to a distance of 5.48 mm thickness.

3. (After) Show pony Scooter’s left hind foot following 33 days of Regen-X hoof treatment; the product was diligently applied according to the manufacturer’s directions. (Note: black areas are nail hole oxidation stains.)  Scotter’s hoof walls are now graded as a 3 out of 5. The walls were much healthier.

4. (After) Software-processed image of Scooter’s left hind foot on June 25,2012 measured out the hoof wall thickness at three points to a distance of 9.55 (lateral), 8.14 (toe) and 8.35 (medial) millimeters thickness.
5. (After) Comparison of treated (left hind, on left) and untreated (right hind, on right, before trimming) hooves on the same horse. Without a doubt, the quality of the left foot is superior to the one on the right.

Regen-X is applied as a simple coating to the hoof. It is supplied in a resealable container with an applicator and is available at tack shops across the USA. Hoofcare and veterinary supply stores are also invited to contact Perfect Products for dealer information.

Contact information for Regen-X: Website:; Online ordering:; Telephone: 877-324-8002 ; Email:

All photos in this article courtesy of Scott Lampert and/or Perfect Products except photo of Scott Lampert, © Hoofcare Publishing.

This article was sponsored and paid for by the manufacturer of the product. Hoofcare Publishing thanks Scott Lampert for his assistance and Perfect Products for their support. 

Companies interested in product coverage on The Hoof Blog are invited to contact Hoofcare Publishing for ideas and guidelines.

© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing; Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog is a between-issues news service for subscribers to Hoofcare and Lameness Journal. Please, no use without permission. You only need to ask. This blog may be read online at the blog page, checked via RSS feed, or received via a digest-type email (requires signup in box at top right of blog page). To subscribe to Hoofcare and Lameness (the journal), please visit the main site,, where many educational products and media related to equine lameness and hoof science can be found. Questions or problems with this blog? Send email to  
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I have received compensation for writing this post. Beyond that, I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned, other than Hoofcare Publishing, and had no direct role in the product test beyond recommending that it be done. Hoofcare Publishing does not endorse this or any product. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Scott Simpson Memorial Service Planned

 J.  S C O T T  S I M P S O N   1933-2012

A memorial service or gathering in memory of Scott Simpson is being planned for Saturday, May 26th, at 2:00 p.m., at the beautifully-restored Ellen Theatre in Bozeman, Montana.

Scott Simpson was a very special horseshoer, educator, entertainer, horseman, author and many other things, including a father. He died on March 1, 2012 after finishing a round of golf at his winter home in Arizona.

Scott taught the horseshoeing program at Montana State University in Bozeman for many years and still lived in Montana in the summer.

The Ellen is a 100-year-old historic landmark located at 17 West Main Street in Bozeman. It looks like the kind of place where Scott would have been right at home, and fits perfectly for an "event" like this.

The family will host a reception following the service. Anyone who has questions is welcome to contact Scott's daughter Howie.

Read the Hoofcare + Lameness rambling but heartfelt tribute to Scott Simpson.

The Ellen Theatre will be open on May 26, 2012 for Scott Simpson's memorial service.

Follow Hoofcare + Lameness on Twitter: @HoofcareJournal
Read this blog's headlines on the Hoofcare + Lameness Facebook Page
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any direct compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned, other than Hoofcare Publishing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Life's Small Moments: Zenyatta's First Foal's First Trim Is the Privilege of Dr. Scott Morrison

Photo by Alys Emson/Lane's End
Farriers really get a feel for their work when they give a foal its first trim. It's a new experience for a young horse. Foals are known to twist and turn and flip and strike and paw with those tiny hooves, which become sharp little hammers at the end of surprisingly powerful little legs.

They don't mean to hurt anyone, they're just not sure what's going on. They'll climb up over your back. They'll want to be able to see their mothers. The mare will want to be able to see her foal. You have to get the sightlines right and you have to work fast. Then it's on to the next one, knowing you have a date with the chiropractor already scheduled in your book.

And guess what? You're going to need it.

But what if the foal you have to trim next is the most photographed, most written about, and most beloved little Thoroughbred in the whole world? What if his mother was the world-class mare who won just as many hearts as she won dollars?

That's what happened to Scott Morrison DVM of Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. He spends a lot of time at Lane's End Farm in Versailles, Kentucky, but the other day, he might have taken just a little bit longer to check out the foal who bounces along at the side of 2010 Horse of the Year Zenyatta.

Photo by Alys Emson/Lane's End
How does he look? Zenyatta's pride and joy, who is a son of the hot sire Bernardini, was walked up and down the stall row so Dr Morrison could evaluate his conformation and foot landing patterns. Notice that the barn aisle floor is constructed of non-slip pavers in a herringbone pattern. Not only are they safe for the mares and foals, but they also have an interesting sound effect. There's not as much ring or echo as you'd hear some flooring. Each hoofbeat offers an audible, distinguished tap. Checking foals means using your ears as well as your eyes.

Photo by Alys Emson/Lane's End
Maybe just a touch more off the outside...Baby Z has an interesting little color pattern on his coronet which means that his hooves may be a mixture of black and white horn when he is older. Zenyatta has a similar pattern.

I congratulated Scott on being the first to lay a rasp on Baby Z's hooves. He agreed that it was special to work at Lane's End and on this particular foal.

Photos for this article are courtesy of Alys Emson at Lane's End Farm; reprinted here with full permission of the photographer, Lane's End Farm and Team Zenyatta. Thanks!

In honor of trimming Zenyatta's foal, Dr. Morrison wrote an article about Thoroughbred foal feet and their care for Zenyatta's blog. The last time I checked, the article had 729 comments.

© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing; Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog is a between-issues news service for subscribers to Hoofcare and Lameness Journal. Please, no use without permission. You only need to ask. This blog may be read online at the blog page, checked via RSS feed, or received via a digest-type email (requires signup in box at top right of blog page). To subscribe to Hoofcare and Lameness (the journal), please visit the main site,, where many educational products and media related to equine lameness and hoof science can be found. Questions or problems with this blog? Send email to  
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any direct compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned, other than Hoofcare Publishing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hallmarq Standing MRI and Chronic Equine Foot Lameness: What’s Going On Inside the Foot?

horse jumping V
Sport horse lameness requires a diagnosis to pinpoint the injury site and a prognosis to predict when and if the horse might return to training. The veterinarian chooses from a set of alternative plans to gain recovery based on restricting the horse to stall rest, turning him out, or following a prescribed limited exercise program. The program is determined by the site of the injury and the clinician's knowledge of and experience in successfully treating that injury site. If the injury isn't properly or fully diagnosed, facets of the recovery plan--including medications and adjunctive hoofcare--might not be effective, time may be lost and the horse's chances at returning to his former level of performance are jeopardized.

The hoof capsule is the horse’s best friend: it’s a protective covering, a shield against rocks and bumps, and a tractable aid to locomotion. If the horse had to gallop on a soft digit, could he gallop at all?

The tough shell of his hoof wall is the horse’s best friend--until something goes wrong inside the foot. Then it takes sophisticated imaging equipment to see what’s going on inside that wall, and beneath that sole and frog. When we want to know what’s going on in there, it’s time for technology to take over.

The density of the outer hoof capsule protects the horse from many injuries. But when there is a problem inside the foot, the hoof capsule makes it difficult to diagnose the severity of injuries and make a definitive prognosis for recovery. (Nottingham Vet School photo)

A recent study at the Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center in Leesburg, Virginia delved into some details of cases of chronic, unresolved foot lameness. Might these cases have something in common, besides that the horses were all lame in one front foot? The researchers wondered, and compared the horses’ records.

The study's lead author is
Santiago Daniel Gutierrez-Nibeyro,
now a clinician
at the University of Illinois
College of Veterinary Medicine

While many studies have logged in data about test-case horses with specific acute injuries revealed only by MRI--deep digital flexor tendon lesions in sport horses are prime examples--this study looked at a larger population of horses that had been lame for some time (from three months to five years) and which had not received the benefit of an MRI before they were referred to the hospital for further testing.

Each of the horses had responded favorably to a palmar digital nerve block in the lame foot, so the clinician was confident that the horse’s pain source had been isolated. MRI was performed if clinical and radiological findings did not provide a definitive diagnosis and if the owners elected further examination.

Another thing the cases had in common is that, after referral, each of the horses had been scanned using the same MRI technology: the Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging “standing MRI” system installed at the hospital in Leesburg in 2007.

Horses with chronic forefoot lameness were selected for the study. A Hallmarq standing MRI scan was employed to look for damage to soft tissue structures in the coffin joint and navicular zone.
The veterinarians selected 79 horses that fulfilled the selection criteria for the study and began to compare their records. The biggest thing that the horses had in common was that the MRI scans revealed that almost all of them--74 out of 79--were actually showing more than one structure in the foot with an alteration.

In most (52) of the 74 horses with more than one change, the multiple abnormalities were not of equal severity.

What types of injuries did the MRI scans reveal on these chronically lame horses?

Hallmarq mutli-image with logo• 78 percent of the horses had a navicular bone lesion in the lame foot, along with another injury;

• 58 percent of the horses showed evidence of navicular bursitis (inflammation to the bursa, or fluid-lined sac between the navicular bone and the deep digital flexor tendon at the back of the coffin joint);

• 54 percent of the horses showed evidence of damage to the deep digital flexor tendon;

• 53 percent of horses demonstrated some degree of effusion (excess fluid) of the coffin joint; and

• 39 percent of the horses were suffering from collateral ligament desmopathy of the coffin joint.

Who were these horses? Breeds included Thoroughbreds (24), Warmbloods (36), Quarter Horses (9) and others (10). Occupations comprised jumping (37), eventing (12), dressage (17) and pleasure riding (13). The mean age was nine years old, but ranged from four to 24.

What’s the take-home message from this research?

In standing MRI, the horse
does not require anesthesia
If you’ve been reading the Hoof Blog for a while, you already know a good bit about Hallmarq’s standing MRI technology, which is now available in dozens of veterinary clinics around the world. MRI was the next level of diagnostic imaging for horses whose injuries were not revealed by other systems or, in the case of navicular changes visible on radiographs, would benefit from a more detailed evaluation.

Not so long ago, we would have labeled these horses as simply having a chronic foot pain condition or, more likely “navicular disease”. Farriers would try different shoeing techniques or trims, hoping to hit on a magic combination of support and comfort. Pain medication, coffin joint injection and perhaps even neurectomy would be on the menu. Some horses recovered sooner, some horses recovered later, some horses stayed lame.

Having access to MRI is much like calling in Sherlock Holmes when the police have failed to solve the crime. MRI results can often be surprising, as we see here, when the scan is expected to yield a given result and does, but also reveals more information than anticipated.

The deep digital flexor tendon (arrows) is a common site of injury in sport horses. While some injuries or abnormalities of the navicular bone can be seen on radiographs, lesions to the tendon require imaging that reveals the soft tissues of the inner foot.
(Troytown Equine Hospital image)

The identification of multiple injury sites in the foot is critical if the lameness is to respond and recover. In 2003, papers by Dyson and Murray in Great Britain and by Schneider and Sampson in the United States used MRI to document that equine foot pain often can be traced to multiple structures. This important new consciousness has been a critical factor in the growing appreciation of using MRI as a diagnostic tool, and the Virginia study certainly confirmed those findings in a large number of horses.

A benefit of the standing MRI system for evaluating horse foot lameness is that the horse is not required to undergo anesthesia. The horse stands on all four feet throughout the procedure, which may be performed as an “out-patient” type of appointment at a vet clinic that is equipped with the Hallmarq system.

This research was part of a series of MRI-related studies on foot lameness conducted by Santiago Daniel Gutierrez-Nibeyro, DVM, MS, DACVS as a component of his Masters in Science degree. The entire set of research papers is a tremendous asset to anyone wishing to understand how MRI imaging fits into the bigger picture of equine foot lameness diagnosis and treatment.

To learn more:
Standing low-field magnetic resonance imaging in horses with chronic foot pain by Gutierrez-Nibeyro, Werpy and White published in March 2012 in the Australian Veterinary Journal

Outcomes of Medical Treatment for Pathologies of the Equine Foot Diagnosed with Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Santiago Daniel Gutierrez-Nibeyro, M.V.

To learn more about Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging and standing MRI technology for horses:

• Visit and "like" the Hallmarq Equine MRI Facebook page;
• Follow @HallmarqMRI on Twitter;
• Subscribe to the hallmarqvetimaging channel on;
• Watch for a growing equine distal limb Hallmarq MRI image gallery on;
• Visit the web site. (Plan to spend some time there!)

© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing
Follow Hoofcare + Lameness on Twitter: @HoofcareJournal
Read this blog's headlines on the Hoofcare + Lameness Facebook Page
Disclosure of Material Connection: This blog post is sponsored by Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rood + Riddle Official Vets (and Farriers) for Alltech National Horse Show

The Alltech National Horse Show’s press release was just full of news.

First of all, the parapetetic National Horse Show has moved again. After 100 or so years in the middle of Manhattan and the most glamorous setting imaginable, the show picked up stakes from Madison Square Garden and moved first across the Hudson River to the Meadowlands in New Jersey and then to Florida for a run, then back to New York, but to Syracuse this time, the show’s most recent venue.

Now it’s on to Kentucky, where the great show has found a home at the Kentucky Horse Park's indoor arena and a star-billing date on the fall hunter/jumper competition calendar.

And the show not only found a home in Kentucky--it found a title sponsor. It is one whose name we already know well: Alltech.

When the 128th Alltech National Horse Show opens at the Horse Park on November 2, it will have a new group of farriers backstage. The show has formed an official alliance with the Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, just down the road from the Horse Park. The alliance extends to Rood and Riddle providing the show farriers, the show veterinarians, and even the show equine pharmacy.

"We're planning to make a big effort," said Rood + Riddle's Scott Morrison DVM, head of the hospital's unique podiatry center. "We want to make certain that the competitors at the show are satisfied with their foot care."

A sport horse that regularly comes to Rood + Riddle for shoeing showed off a front foot one day. Striped hoof horn is a challenge for farriers since distortion in the tubules is very obvious. Rodney King didn't object to having photos taken of this horse. (© Hoofcare + Lameness photo, Fran Jurga)

Morrison said that the show is "only" expecting to attract about 360 horses, which he thought his team could easily handle. He said he expects two of the clinic's farriers, Rodney King and Jeff Henderson, will provide the bulk of the show service, and that he would be on call as well.

"We're looking forward to it," Morrison continued. "We'll get it done!"

Hind foot of a dressage horse that was being shod last May at Rood + Riddle's podiatry center. (© Hoofcare + Lameness photo, Fran Jurga)

The first week in November will be a busy time in the state of Kentucky. The fledgling horse show will have to compete this year (and only this year) for the attention of people in the Bluegrass because the Breeders Cup will run on Friday and Saturday at Churchill Downs.

Morrison remarked that one of the podiatry center's biggest consulting clients, Irish horse trainer Aiden O'Brien, will be bringing several horses to Kentucky for the Breeders Cup, and Morrison expects to be on call for any horses that need his help at both the National Horse Show and the Churchill Downs events that weekend.

Another view of the dressage horse. The stalls in the background are holding stalls. Many trainers and owners bring multiple horses and, after hauling long distances, can offload the horses to the holding stalls until all the horses' feet are done and it's time to leave.   (© Hoofcare + Lameness photo, Fran Jurga)
Is this the first time that the official farrier service at a horse show is to be provided by a veterinary hospital? Most likely, it is. But like the location of the horse show, the role of the show professionals is obviously changing as well. It may also be the first time that a group practice has provided all the veterinary services for an event of this magnitude.

National Horse Exhibition at Springfield, Massachusetts
The original National Horse Show was first held in 1853 in Springfield, Massachusetts and attracted 500 horses.  (Engraving published in Gleason's Pictorial, 1853). After the current version of "The" National Horse Show began in New York in 1883, the show featured a 14-mile endurance race through Manhattan for military horses; it finished in the show arena.

At Rood + Riddle, both veterinarians and farriers are employed under the same roof in the pursuit of making lame horses sound and keeping sound horses that way, thanks to the podiatry center building. The unassuming building tucked behind the main hospital sometimes resembles a swarming ant hill of humans, trucks, trailers, vans and horses: each professional may have clients booked into the podiatry center for out-patient procedures or trimming and shoeing, and the staff come and go from the center throughout the day. Horse owners haul their horses from any number of states for consultation or for regular periodic treatments and shoeing.

A normal staff of four veterinarians and at least three farriers, plus interns, apprentices, technicians, administrators and helpers make up the staff on a typical day. The vets and farriers may work all or part of the day on the road in service to clients in the Lexington area, or be busy with cases at the podiatry center or with hoof-related concerns of patients in the hospital.

Rood + Riddle's podiatry center offers off-site referral services so several staff members acrue some of the highest numbers of frequent flyer points in the entire horse industry. Other cases are handled by reviewing radiographs, photos and videos via the Internet or Federal Express.

Rood + Riddle operates a satellite podiatry center at The Sanctuary, an equine rehabilitation facility in Ocala, Florida, and the staff regularly attends to clients' horses in the Wellington, Florida area during the winter months. In addition, the vets and farriers all seem to evolve into educators after they join the staff, and are involved as clinicians and lecturers at educational events all over the world.

At the World Equestrian Games, Rood + Riddle created and hosted a mini-museum of farriery tools and shoes.  Visitors could pull out the glass drawers to see shoes on display. (© Hoofcare + Lameness photo, Fran Jurga)

Most people connect Rood + Riddle with the Thoroughbred racing and breeding world of Lexington, but the clinic obviously has a burgeoning sport horse practice embedded behind its racehorse reputation and address.

"Rood + Riddle is extremely pleased to serve as the Official Veterinarians and Farriers for the upcoming Alltech National Horse Show,” Dr. Tom Riddle, co-founder of the hospital, said in the press release. “Rood & Riddle’s participation in both the World Equestrian Games and the National Horse Show underscores our practice's commitment to the sport horse."

Rood + Riddle was a sponsor of last year's Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, held at the Kentucky Horse Park, and the clinic served as the official veterinary hospital for that event, with staff vets serving at the Horse Park. At WEG, farrier services were provided by the American Farrier's Association.

At the World Equestrian Games last year, large monitors suspended on two walls showed video footage of podiatry work at Rood + Riddle. This monitor was displaying quarter crack repair. (© Hoofcare + Lameness photo, Fran Jurga)

About the show: While historically the National Horse Show included Nations Cup international show jumping, gaited horses, fine driving and even classes for fire and police horses, the Kentucky version of the show will be an indoor AA-rated hunter, jumper and equitation over fences extravaganza. The show, as always, will host the finals of the ASPCA Alfred B. Maclay Finals in equitation.

NOTE: Hoofcare + Lameness would like to compile a list of farriers who have served in the capacity of official farrier to The National Horse Show. If you can help with this list or have old programs with information, please email Fran Jurga. As it turns out, farriers have played a big role, historically, in the show, and this seems like a good time to research more history.

© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing; Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog is a between-issues news service for subscribers to Hoofcare and Lameness Journal. Please, no use without permission. You only need to ask. This blog may be read online at the blog page, checked via RSS feed, or received via a digest-type email (requires signup in box at top right of blog page). To subscribe to Hoofcare and Lameness (the journal), please visit the main site,, where many educational products and media related to equine lameness and hoof science can be found. Questions or problems with this blog? Send email to  
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any direct compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned, other than Hoofcare Publishing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Clinic at Oakencroft 6th Annual Farrier/Podiatry Symposium with Rood and Riddle's Scott Morrison DVM Announced for October 14-15, 2011 in New York

Who: Farriers and veterinarians
What: 6th Annual Farrier/Podiatry Symposium
When: October 14-15, 2011 (Friday and Saturday)
Where: South Bethlehem/Selkirk, New York (near Albany)
Presented by The Clinic at Oakencroft / Greene County Horseshoe Supply

A Hoofcare + Lameness Annually Recommended Event

 The Conference:                                                                                                                                    

The Clinic at Oakencroft’s Farrier/Podiatry Symposium is a casual and friendly event in a beautiful location in rural New York near the Massachusetts and Connecticut borders. The Clinic hosts regular meetings with local farriers and they feel right at home there—you will, too.

The format of the conference is presentations, discussions, and occasional interruptions for great food. There are hotels nearby. Good directions are a must if you don't know your way around the area. If you are coming from far away, plan to arrive early or stay late. The clinic is in a beautiful area, and the fall foliage should be in full color around the time of the conference.

Full conference, hotel and registration information can be downloaded at this link:
Here's a rough schedule of what goes on and when:

Note: You may register by regular mail, by email to, on line at or by calling The Equine Clinic at OakenCroft at 518 767 2906. The Clinic is requesting that everyone register by October 1 in order to make sufficient plans for the right number of people.

 The Speaker:                                                                                                                                        

Scott Morrison is a familiar name in the world of equine podiatry. His full biography can be read on the conference link. In a nutshell, Scott Morrison is a partner in the Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, where he launched the hospital's podiatry center in 1999. The center has now morphed into an internationally-recognized referral facility for all breeds and types of horses with every imaginable foot disorder, and of every age, from foals to aged horses with Cushings disease.

Dr. Morrison works with a staff of hoof-specialist veterinarians, farriers, and technicians, and he travels all over the world to consult on cases and speak at conferences. He personally consults to the racing and training program of Irish trainer Aidan O'Brien. He recently has been experimenting with the use of umbilical stem cells in severe laminitis cases, and has developed several horseshoe designs that are used all over the world.

While Dr. Morrison might be working on a world-class racehorse or stallion in the morning, his afternoon case might be a foundered pony or a draft horse with canker, so he's an ideal speaker for a conference with an audience that comes from different backgrounds and works on different types of horses. He grew up in New York, as well.

In addition to lectures and PowerPoint presentations, Dr. Morrison will be available to discuss the cases that attendees arrange in advance to make part of the conference (see conference details for "panel and case discussion" submissions, which should be done in advance). The relaxed atmosphere at OakenCroft will be ideal to give Dr. Morrison a chance to talk about hoof problems with the attendees.

There aren't too many sure things in life, but I think you can be quite sure that you'll enjoy this event, this  clinic, and the people you'll meet. See you there, I hope!

Contact information:
The Equine Clinic at OakenCroft
880 Bridge Street
Ravena, NY 12143
(518) 767-2906 - office
(518) 767-3503 - fax
Web address:

© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing; Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog is a between-issues news service for subscribers to Hoofcare and Lameness Journal. Please, no use without permission. You only need to ask. This blog may be read online at the blog page, checked via RSS feed, or received via a digest-type email (requires signup in box at top right of blog page). To subscribe to Hoofcare and Lameness (the journal), please visit the main site,, where many educational products and media related to equine lameness and hoof science can be found. Questions or problems with this blog? Send email to  
Follow Hoofcare + Lameness on Twitter: @HoofcareJournal
Read Hoof Blog headlines in your news feed when you "like" the Hoofcare + Lameness Facebook Page
Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any direct compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned, other than Hoofcare Publishing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Umbilical Stem Cells Show Promise in Pilot Study at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital Podiatry Center

What's underneath that hoof cast? The latest laminitis therapy is virtually invisible to the observer, and may often covered with a foot cast.
The following article is provided by the Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital Podiatry Clinic in Lexington, Kentucky.


Laminitis can be a devastating and expensive disease to treat. Today there is no true cure for the disease. However cases can often be rehabilitated back to varying degrees with the aid of therapeutic shoeing, foot management, and medical therapies. Although special foot management can in some cases return horses back to previous athletic use, others remain severely compromised and lame. Once the lamina detaches and the pedal bone displaces, each case heals back with varying degrees of stability. The tissue that heals the separated lamina is a combination of scar tissue, dysfunctional disorganized horn tissue (epithelial cells) and healthy lamina.

Additionally, these cases can suffer permanent damage to the growth centers of the foot such as the coronary band and the sensitive sole, further limiting their ability to heal. The degree of future stability most likely is dependent upon the type of tissue that heals the diseased region.

What are stem cells? What is regenerative medicine?

Stem cells are cells that have the ability to replicate themselves and regenerate tissue. They play an important role in embryonic and fetal development as well as repairing damaged tissue. Isolating these cells and using them for a targeted treatment with the intention to heal a specific area is the principle behind their potential use.

Stem cell therapy or regenerative medicine is an exciting, but relatively new area which has sparked great interest. Its potential use to influence the type of tissue that heals a diseased or damaged area is a great interest to the veterinary community.

How is Rood and Riddle approaching stem cell therapy for laminitis patients?

Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital is currently working on clinical-based research using stem cells on severe laminitic patients which have proven unresponsive to other treatments. The clinical use of stem cells is still in its early stages, but results appear promising and worth further investigation.

Since many laminitis cases can be rehabilitated with other modalities, it was determined to limit our clinical study to those cases which have been unresponsive to all other treatments. These cases failed to show sole or wall growth after shoeing, foot casting, slinging and, in many cases, after deep digital flexor tenotomy.

Stem cell therapy is an adjunctive therapy, used in conjunction with extensive medical and mechanical treatments. To date, Rood and Riddle's laminitis-specialist veterinarians selected cases based on poor response to the disease's normal treatment protocols at the clinic. (Fran Jurga photo)

To date we have used stem cell therapy on twelve cases as an adjunctive treatment. All but one case has responded with significant sole and wall growth in the affected feet. Typically signs of growth were evident within two weeks.

The one case that did not respond was a severe acute “sinker” (lamellar failure or detachment occurs around the entire hoof capsule causing the coffin bone to “sink”) ; the horse was sloughing the hoof and had severe soft tissue necrosis before treatment.

It is important to note that stem cell therapy alone will most likely offer little benefit in the unstable cases. As with all therapies these feet will require special management (shoeing, casting, sling, and DDF tenotomy) to help stabilize and support the foot while it is healing.

The stem cells used in Rood and Riddle's clinical laminitis research are harvested and cultured from the blood in umbilical cords of foals. (Joanna8555 photo)

Umbilical stem cells from newborn foals

Rood and Riddle's Stem Cell Lab is currently harvesting cells from the umbilical cord blood of newborn foals. Umbilical cord blood is collected at the time of birth, which provides a pool of stem cell which can be cultured and expanded for clinical use.

When these cells are used as a treatment on another horse, they are considered allogenic (from a donor) with the possible risk of rejection. However, no reactions in our cases have been noticed.

Stem cells can also be collected from fat or bone marrow and used specifically for that horse if needed. The best source of cells, timing, dose, administration, and route still need to be determined.

Case Study from Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital's Podiatry Clinic

The following case is a severe bilateral front foot sinker. This case had a deep digital flexor tenotomy, foot cast, and partial hoof wall resection. She failed to show any signs of wall or sole growth over a two-month period of time.

Stem cell therapy and foot casts were applied on both front feet as a last effort to save her. Within two weeks she showed signs of healthy wall and sole growth and improving her comfort level. Currently this mare is doing well; it has now been six months since treatment and she is turned out in a small paddock.

Left and right foot radiographs before treatment. Stem cell therapy was begun at this time along with foot casts and antibiotics.  Two weeks later the coronary band and sole began to show healthy growth.(Scott Morrison images)

These are radiographic images of a 10 year old thoroughbred mare with severe sinking of both front feet before and after stem cell therapy. The mare was treated with deep digital flexor tenotomy, foot casts and partial wall resections. The foot did not show any signs of improvement for over 2 months.

 This photo was taken at six weeks post stem cell treatment. Note the new, healthy wall growing from the coronary band. (Scott Morrison image)
Left and right feet six months after therapy with umbilical stem cells. (Scott Morrison images)
Watch for more news about the use of umbilical and other stem cells in horse foot problems.

Rood and Riddle Podiatry Clinic veterinarians working on the stem cell treatment cases mentioned in this article are (from left to right) clinic director Dr Scott Morrison, Dr Vern Dryden and Dr Raul Bras.
TO LEARN MORE: The Second Annual North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Conference (NAVRMC) is scheduled for June 2-4, 2011, at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort in Lexington, Kentucky.  Held in collaboration with the University of California at Davis Center for Equine Health, Alamo Pintado Equine Medical Center and Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, the NAVRMC is a three-day working meeting consisting of scientific presentations and discussion sessions on all aspects of stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine in horses and small animals.

The conference will bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss and apply this promising area of veterinary medicine. Topics will be a blend of research and practical application discussions.

New to the NAVRMC in 2011 is a special session for horsemen. The half-day forum, set for June 4, is open to all horse owners, trainers, and equine professionals who are interested in learning more about this rapidly growing area of veterinary science.

For complete NAVRMA sponsorship information, membership fees, and conference registration please visit

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