Showing posts with label David Varini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Varini. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Scotland Wins 36th International Team Farrier Competition at Stoneleigh

It takes teamwork, as well as superb skill, to shoe horses all day in the world's stiffest team competition and emerge the winners. But the Scottish team did that this weekend at the 36th International Team Competition at the showgrounds in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, England. From left: Wayne Balfour (alternate), Lewis Balfour, David Varini, Team Manager (and proud father) James Balfour holds the trophy, Derek Gardner, Devin Crerar. (Thanks to Steve Cave photography and Jonathan Nunn for this photo, used with permission)

The early report from England is that the fires are cooling in the massive forges on the showgrounds in Stoneleigh, England tonight. Now, instead of hammers on anvils, you might hear bagpipes fading into the distance.

The grounds were the setting of one of the most legendary events in farrier competition. The 36th International Team Championships attracts teams from as far away as the United States and Canada. Climbing up a mere place on the ladder from one year to the next can be a victory for some nations, who watch the teams representing the home soil of the British Isles fending off challengers at the top of the scoreboard, year after year.

England won in 2012, 2013, and 2014. British farrier Jonathan Nunn sent over the photo from Stoneleigh and quoted Scottish team manager Jim Balfour as saying that this was Scotland's first win since 1997.

Team Scotland was followed by the English, with Ireland in third place, and the USA in fourth, followed by Sweden. Other nations' placings are not known at this early date.

US readers will be happy to know that the "Best Shod Foot" on Sunday was won by Victor Frisco of Team USA. This is second-hand information via British Farriers and Blacksmiths Association President Cliff Barnes.

Top five team placings: 

1 Scotland
2 England
3 Ireland
5 Sweden

In 2014, Scotland was fourth.

It was a big day for the Balfour family of Dundee, Scotland. It wasn't long ago that Jim, now the manager, was competing at Stoneleigh himself, and now there's a new generation of his family. But the farrier world is like that: you blink and it's all changed, but you look closer and some of the faces look familiar...

Competing at Stoneleigh is one of the most unforgettable experiences a competition farrier can have. Just getting there is a superb accomplishment. Safe home to all, and enjoy your memories from the top of the world.

Many thanks to Gill Harris and Jonathan Nunn for their assistance with details today. 

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

England Wins 35th International Team Horseshoeing Championship at Stoneleigh; USA Third

35th International Team Horseshoeing Championship, Stoneleigh, England

No doubt there is still smoke in the air over Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire, England tonight, but the coal forges are dark, the hammers have gone silent, the horses are loaded and the farriers? Well, they're probably celebrating somewhere, or else on planes and ferries and trains to the 11 nations they call home.

They all have plenty to celebrate, since just getting to compete at the International Team Horseshoeing Championships is a victory, and representing your country is an honor. If you care about scores or the order of finish, this article is for you.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Scotland's David Varini Wins European Farrier Championship for United Kingdom

David Varini Calgary Stampede World Champion farrier
Scottish farrier David Varini was World Champion in 2013 and has won the European title previously. (Hoof Blog file photo)

Congratulations to Scottish farrier David Varini, who has just been declared the winner of the European Farriery Championship, held this weekend in England.

Friday, February 28, 2014

ShoeSecure Conquers Lost-Shoe Season, Now with Global Patent Approved to Keep Horseshoes On Hooves Everywhere

Spring means lost shoes. Instead of wondering if there’s a shoe at the bottom of that
puddle, rely on ShoeSecure to hold horseshoes on hooves that tend to pull shoes, lose shoes or that require a particularly full fit. Developed with the assistance of two world champion farriers.

                                        SHOESECURE SPONSORED THIS ARTICLE.                           

It’s a sure sign of spring when horses lose their shoes. But this year’s lost shoe count could be higher than usual, as American horse farm pastures thaw out after the longest, coldest winter in years.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

World Champions at Work: Farriers Varini and Robinson Win Equestrian Business of the Year Award in Scotland

World Champion farriers David Varini (left) and Paul Robinson (right) are partners in a farrier service company in Scotland. They recently won the "Equestrian Business of the Year" Award from HorseScotland. (Muriel Colquhoun photo)

What if two World Champions teamed up to offer farrier services and train apprentices? That's exactly what happened in Scotland a few years back. At that time, neither knew he'd ever win that prestigious title. Or, for that matter, their latest title, either.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Last Tango in Calgary: Stampede Will Host Its Final World Championship in 2014

Reigning World Champion David Varini (right) during a television interview minutes after finding out he had won as he stood on the Calgary Stampede's rodeo stage in front of 20,000 people. Speech bubbles represent what they might have been talking about if the interview had been this week.

Will the last farrier competitor to leave Calgary please make sure the coal fires are out?

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Farrier's Christmas Tale, World Champion Style, in Video and Poem

There are many tales about Christmas in the forge, but Santa Claus knows exactly where to go when he needs help. He seeks out three World Champions: Grant Moon (Wales), David Varini (Scotland), and Paul Robinson (Ireland) who just happen to be working late on Christmas Eve. But have your read the poem?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lost Shoes Solution: Shoe Secure Keeps Your Horse's Shoes On, World Champion Style

Whether it’s linked to conformation or a gait abnormality or a swampy pasture, the shoe loss problem may have met its match in an odd-looking product from Scotland called ShoeSecure. Designed by an equestrian entrepreneur with the help of a world champion farrier, and used by a world champion reiner, the new product launched in the USA this summer with a star-studded resume.

                                 SHOESECURE SPONSORED THIS ARTICLE.                               

What do you get when you put together the mind of a determined equestrian entrepreneur with the technical skills and imagination of this year’s world champion farrier?

Monday, July 08, 2013

Scotland's David Varini is World Champion Blacksmith (Farrier) at the Calgary Stampede

The Mustad family carried on the tradition of sponsoring the World Championship for farrier/blacksmiths at the Calgary Stampede in Canada with Hans Mustad, left, representing his family and his company. Petter Binde, Mustad Sales & Marketing CEO, is at right. The showgrounds had been flooded two weeks before the event but Plan B worked to run an event that attracted a stellar trible of the world's premier highly-skilled shoemaking experts. David Varini of Scotland, center, won the championship for the first time. Photo by Luca Bertolino. 
More than one Scotsman rocked the world yesterday. While everyone in Great Britain was out celebrating Scotland's Andy Murray for his first win by a British citizen in 77 years at Wimbledon Centre Court, another Scotsman was standing in front of many thousands of people at the rodeo of the Calgary Stampede.