Showing posts with label Fanguy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fanguy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Favorite Photo: A Hand-Forged Reflection

4 March 2010 | Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog at

This is my favorite photo, so far, from the 2010 American Farrier's Association Convention, which was held last week in Portland, Oregon.

The gentleman reflected in the mirror looks somber, but I can assure you, he is probably just either a) stunned by the artistry of the mirror (as was I) or b) humbled by the fact that, when this photo was taken, he had less than 24 hours left in his term as president of the American Farrier's Association. With luck, he'd make it after all. The man in the mirror is Dick Fanguy, who survived a heart attack and several personal tragedies during his year as AFA president, and probably did need a moment to reflect.

And what a mirror to catch anyone's gaze! It was made, leaf by leaf and twig by twig, by our friend Mike Chisham of Petaluma, California. The mirror design was inspired by the late Edward Martin's iconic "Nessie" Loch Ness monster, which you can see clinging to the mid-left of the mirror frame. Mike donated the mirror to the American Farrier's Association's annual fundraising auction, held on Friday night during the convention. The annual auction is a showplace for the talented members of the association, who donate their most beautiful creative work.

Thanks to April Raine for the loan of her great photo. If you double-click on the photo, you should be able to see the mirror frame (and Dick) in greater detail.

PS Happy Birthday, Dick!

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Gustav vs Louisiana: Picking Up the Pieces

Radar screen of a hurricane-tracking plane, courtesy of NOAA archives.

The news crews are pulling out of Louisiana, now that Gustav is gone. They are labeling it a blow-over, but was it really?

Back in 2005 when Katrina hit, farrier Dick Fanguy was supposed to be at home in bed recovering from back surgery, but instead reported to work at the Louisiana State University horse triage station at the showgrounds...and stayed there for weeks, shoeing horses and treating wounds and helping the vets.

He checked in here on Sunday, saying he had been in touch with the vets, and was ready to hunker down until it passed. He'd report to work if they needed him. He ended up hunkering way down. His friend Danvers reported this afternoon that Dick exited his house near Baton Rouge with the help of a chainsaw, as all the trees surrounding his house had come crashing down. (Dick's advice: Bring the chainsaw into the house before the storm hits. You might need it to get out.)

It's not over for Dick.

Further south, Molly the (Amputee) Pony's barn is partially flooded, with plenty of roof damage. Her owner is still living in a FEMA trailer from Katrina, and you can imagine her concern as a tree almost toppled on the construction site of her unfinished replacement house.

It's not over for Kaye and Molly.

No doubt more stories will be heard as the power returns and people can communicate better. Just remember that a storm is a storm, even when CNN is disappointed that it wasn't a bigger story or when FEMA wants to take credit for an evacuation well-orchestrated. Maybe Hanna or Ike will be better for broadcast ratings, but any storm, anywhere, is a danger to people and animals.

The lights may be back on in New Orleans' French Quarter by tomorrow night. But the people out in the countryside may have to sit and wait a while (in the dark) before they can tell us what happened or send photos. It may not be over yet, for them.