Showing posts with label weathervane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weathervane. Show all posts

Friday, July 06, 2012

Friends at Work: Hoof-Related Road Call in Melbourne, Australia

Farrier changing horseshoes on Swanston Street

Now that's service. A street scene today in Melbourne, Australia showed a farrier performing a road repair for a carriage horse on Swanston Street in the city center.

Perhaps the carriage company has a fleet maintenance contract?

It looks like the farrier arrived on the motorcycle, which makes sense since Swanston Street is pretty much a pedestrian mall. Horse-drawn carriages, streetcars and bicycles are the vehicles of choice here.

The street is watched over by this wonderful metal sculpture of a horse, which swings in the wind.

Photo courtesy of Chef Alpha.

Click here to order this helpful, informative guide to the inner layers of the hoof wall from Drs Lancaster and Bowker via Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine's Equine Foot Laboratory

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The World Would Be a Better Place If There Were More of These

Farrier Vane, originally uploaded by Dave Angood.

Weathervanes, that is. They are one of the best ways to make a statement. A silhouette against the sky can be seen from afar and a good blacksmith can create a work of art to go atop a barn's cupola, a vet clinic, or a mobile home. Or a car dealership, clam shack or tipi.

It takes the observer's eye up to the sky and there's something uplifting about that, it more ways than one.

I just wish it wasn't so hard to get a good photo of a weathervane! It seems like there are always power lines or something in the way, or I can't get a good angle from the ground.

This is my new favorite weathervane, captured on film by Dave Angood, who tells me he found it atop an old barn inside some fortress-like gates near Swaffham in Norfolk, England. He allowed me to share it with Hoof Blog readers. I kept staring at it for the longest time this morning.

It reminds me of the beautiful weathervanes made by a farrier and heavy horse expert named Richard Gowing in England. If Richard didn't make it, surely his past work helped inspire it. Our friend the late Edward Martin from Scotland made beautiful weathervanes too.

Weathervanes carry some responsibility, of course. They have to be aligned with the earth. In our little seaside village, my salty old neighbor died and left a provision in his will that money from his estate be used to get steeplejacks to come and re-orient the weathervane on top of the church which, over the years, have drifted out of alignment.

It really bothered him. He saw the vane as a tool to check the wind as he drove toward the harbor each morning rather than the beautiful ornament on the church that the rest of us saw.

It's fixed now.

What--and where--is your favorite weathervane?

Thanks to Dave Angood for his hard work in getting such a good shot of this beautiful weathervane. Dave's trying to find out more about it and I'll add more details if he reports back.