Monday, June 27, 2005

Vet-Farrier Relations Improve in Florida...

Congratulations to dressage-specialist farrier James Gilchrist and Palm Beach Equine Clinic veterinarian Kimberly Dawn Snyder; they were married on May 29 at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Back from Vienna: Underfoot with the Spanish RIding School Lippizaners

Hoofcare & Lameness Journal editor Fran Jurga has returned to the office after a quick trip to Vienna, Austria to assist the Spanish Riding School there with media and hoofcare preparations for their upcoming USA tour in November.

The famous white Lipizzaner stallions may be in need of farrier assistance when they tour, since they are not bringing Herr Gerstner, their independent-contractor farrier, with them. They require highly techical Euro-style shoeing, which looks deceptively simple. All are shod with Dutch shoes with toe clips, front and hind; a few are barefoot behind.

This is the SRS's first USA tour in 15 years. Read more about the Lipizzaners and their feet in issue #79 of Hoofcare & Lameness Journal.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

AFA Announces Open Forum Meeting on Farrier Licensing

Perhaps due to popular demand, a special Open Forum Membership Meeting of the American Farriers Association has been scheduled for Friday, September 9, 2005 at 1 p.m. in Omaha, Nebraska.

The meeting was announced in a special press release received on June 21st at the Hoofcare & Lameness Journal office. The full press release will be posted on the Hoofcare & Lameness Journal web site,

Details from the press release include:

All AFA members are welcome to attend....the next day, the AFA Board of Directors will be meeting for their 2005 Mid-Year meeting....recommendations from the Open Forum meeting on Friday can be brought to the Board meeting for their consideration.....AFA Vice President Bob Earle, CJF, has agreed to serve as the moderator for the meeting....using a “loose set” of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Hotel reservations may be made by calling the Omaha Hilton at 1-800-HILTONS or (402) 998-3400; the AFA discounted rate is $75 per night.

For more info, contact Bryan Quinsey at the AFA office: (859) 233-7411.

Please do not call the Hoofcare & Lameness office about this event. We will share any info we receive by either this blog or the web site.

Please read posts on this blog and at for information on this spring's events related to the AFA's task force on farrier regulation/licensing in the United States.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Live from Lubbock! It's the Brice Chapman Coloring Book...

Hoofcare & Lameness is happy to share news that farrier and rodeo trick roping performer Brice Chapman of Lubbock, Texas has published a coloring book for children. The 28-page fun-filled book is almost as entertaining as watching Brice perform. It teaches children about caring for their horses and especially about hoofcare and horseshoes.

Brice is the look-alike, talk-alike, make-them-smile-alike son of famous farrier and heartbar shoe pioneer Burney Chapman, who died in 1999.

Brice Chapman never runs out of ideas to make people laugh and feel good.

When Brice isn't performing, he visits elementary schools and works with children, many of whom have already endorsed the coloring book with a high-pitched "Yippee!". Brice travels with two sidekicks, a Border collie named Sooner with a very high IQ, and a trickster Paint horse named Crossfire. I expect they will have their own TV show soon.

You will be able to order the new coloring book through Hoofcare & Lameness Journal. The cost will be under $'s for the kids, after all!

I hope you will join me in helping children everywhere have some educational fun with horses, dogs, and friendly people. This coloring book is a big step in the right direction!

Silent Anvil: Memorial Service for Gary Wade

Gary Wade, right, with British farrier Roger Clark; both were speakers at the first heavy horse hoofcare symposium at Tufts University vet school. (Fran Jurga photo)

This just in...scroll down the blog to March 2005 for more about Gary's death. Gary was the farrier at Walt Disney World in Florida. I will paste from the original post.

A Memorial Service for Gary Allen Wade will be held
Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 12:00 Noon

Please join us on Sugar Hill at the 'Log Cabin' that Gary helped build as a young boy
on Centerville Road, East Wallingford, Vermont
Located just past the old White Rock Ranch where Gary grew up

Everyone Welcome
Come share your memories of Gary with family & friends where the wild flowers are in bloom
Photos of Gary are welcome for a memory book

Arrangements made by Gary's family
In lieu of flowers an education fund is set up for Gary's grand-children c/o Terry Wade

Peace be with you...
Cindy Wade (E. Wallingford, VT )

Friday, June 03, 2005

A New Veterinary College for New England?

A University of Connecticut board of trustees committee is weighing options for establishing a veterinary college. They discussed a consultant's report yesterday indicating it would cost between 35 and 95 million dollars to build the school for 100 students. It could take up to 14 million dollars a year to run it.

Currently the only veterinary college in New England is Tufts, with campuses in North Grafton and Boston, Massachusetts.

Did you know that Harvard University once had a thriving vet college side-by-side with the medical college? There still are a lot of animals at Harvard, used for research purposes, and the college employs veterinarians concerned with their health and welfare..