Showing posts with label Delta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delta. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2012

Historic Capewell Triumphs Recalled As Connecticut Looks Back After Learning Delta Mustad News of Nailmaker's Departure

Several reports from the Hartford area today expressed sadness at the news that Capewell Horse Nails will now be made abroad, following yesterday's announced by Delta Mustad. 

The Hartford Courant had an article featuring Stanley Wojnilo, the company's veteran nailmaker. On Twitter, the Connecticut and Hartford Historical Societies announced the news.

Things few people know: before the existence of today's Farrier Industry Association of salesmen in the hoofcare industry, there was the Order of Nutmegs. When there were horseshoer conventions, the Nutmegs would have big banquets and just generally celebrate in grand style.

Why were they called "Nutmegs"? A "nutmeg" was a name for a pedlar without many scruples. They'd travel around with a wagon-load of goods back in the days before mail order or malls. One of thins they sold was the spice, nutmeg. But it might not be a nutmeg you were buying--it might be a knot of wood. They looked alike.

Among those Nutmegs toasting the horseshoers (and each other) at conventions in the old days were Capewell salesmen who called Connecticut (known as "the nutmeg state") home. Capewell had an army of salesmen on the road visiting hardware stores and blacksmith and horseshoer supply houses. A Capewell salesman was synonymous with the successful tradesman.

Capewell Factory
For many years, the Capewell factory in downtown Hartford was derelict. It was once called "one of the great cathedrals of American industry". Capewell was one of the first US companies to ever offer daycare for the children of women who worked in the factory. I'm not sure when this photo was taken; the last time I tried to find the factory, I couldn't. Maybe I was lost, or maybe it is gone. Delta Mustad bought the Capewell horse nail business, not the building, in 1985. Photo by Nivek29

© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing; Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog is a between-issues news service for subscribers to Hoofcare and Lameness Journal. Please, no use without permission. You only need to ask. This blog may be read online at the blog page, checked via RSS feed, or received via a digest-type email (requires signup in box at top right of blog page). To subscribe to Hoofcare and Lameness (the journal), please visit the main site,, where many educational products and media related to equine lameness and hoof science can be found. Questions or problems with this blog? Send email to  
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Capewell Ends 131-Year Run Making Nails in USA as Delta Mustad Consolidates Horse Nail Factories

George Capewell's grave; photo from the Library of Congress

The news from Delta Mustad hit the streets today: Capewell nails will no longer be made in America. Of course the company has big plans, but a chunk of US horse history ceases with this announcement.

Detail, horseshoe and nail from Capewell grave
Hoofcare Publishing and I wish all the employees of the Connecticut factory the very best in their new pursuits and of course we wish the best to all our friends all over the world who are part of the Delta Mustad Hoofcare universe.

Someday I'd like to give the Capewell name and nails their due place in history. It could be a book, and maybe it should be a Ken Burns-type documentary film. Capewell's tradition in and around Hartford, Connecticut deserves it.

George Capewell was born on June 26, 1843 in Birmingham, England, and soon emigrated with his family to Connecticut. He started working in factories at the age of 15, and worked his way up by demonstrating his prowess for the new field of mechanical engineering.

He spent five years perfecting a machine to automatically make a nail with the necessary block-like head, beveled blade, and point, which was patented in 1880. It was an age when other nails were manufactured, but the tips were blunt, and required the farrier to "point" each one on the anvil.

Capewell's nail machines were a success, and he ran parallel manufacturing operations in the US and Great Britain. He sailed on the maiden voyage of RMS Lusitania, which would be sunk by German U-boats and signal the beginning of war against Germany for the Americans.

Capewell's factory in Connecticut burned to the ground in 1902, but he rebuilt it. During the war, he was a pioneer of progressiveness: he hired women to work in his factories and provided free day care on site for their children.

Capewell's old ads and calendars are highly collectible, but its wooden boxes are treasures.

Throughout his life, he expanded his company to dominate sales all over the world. Capewell bought out many of its competitors; when it finally purchased its arch competitor, Putnam Nails, in 1895, inventor Silas Putnam had to publish a letter endorsing Capewell as the best nails in the world.

He died on November 6, 1919, just five days before the end of World War I. 

I remember the first time I visited the factory in Connecticut. I remember meeting some Polish women who worked as nail inspectors. Their job was so important. I was impressed, and everyone was always so nice.

Mustad hired me to write the announcement that they had bought Capewell. Nails were a very political hot-button issue in the horse world back then; Capewell owned the US market, and Mustad opened their operations here from a warehouse in Auburn, New York around 1980.

After Mustad bought Capewell, a beautiful new factory and warehouse complex was built north of Hartford amidst the tobacco fields of Bloomfield.

George Capewell

The workers always seemed a little embarrassed that I was so interested in meeting them. They always have been so important to the farrier industry and the horse world, and they always will be, since it sounds like Delta Mustad plans to continue making Capewell nails.

I'm so glad I was able to see those old Capewell nail machines at work, in the original factory, and meet those people.

I can still hear the clattering sound the machines made in the high ceiling halls of that old factory in Hartford. I hope I never forget that sound.

Here's the announcement that Delta Mustad Hoofcare posted on its web site today: (text in italics is direct quote from company)

Today Mustad, the world leader in hoofcare products, including horseshoes and nails, announced the consolidation of its global hoof nail production in Mustadfors (Sweden) and Emcoclavos (Colombia). 

The closure of the Capewell production facilities in Bloomfield has been announced on Feb 21st, 2012.

“We are continuously looking for ways to improve our production, distribution and customer service,” says Hans Mustad, CEO of the firm. “After a careful and thorough evaluation process we have decided to close the nail production at Capewell and move the entire Capewell production to Mustadfors, Sweden.

 In Bloomfield a total number of 26 employees are affected by the closure. 

"All agreements with our staff are made in the spirit of Mustad´s values as a family company, with a 180-year tradition in social responsibility,” confirms Hans Mustad. The North American sales and customer teams are not affected and remain unchanged. 

An old post card showing the now-abandoned and derelict Capewell factory in downtown Hartford. Mustad moved the company to Bloomfield soon after purchasing the company.

“With the focus on two state-of-the-art production facilities in Sweden and Colombia we are in a position to further improve the quality of our products, utilize innovations and manage even better supply as well as customer service,” continues Hans Mustad 

“We are very grateful to the Bloomfield employees for their dedication and craftsmanship in producing Capewell horsenails. Their efforts have been instrumental towards maintaining Capewell's 131-year reputation for exceptional quality with suppliers and customers from around the world. We will continue that positive legacy as we transition to the next phase of Capewell's future” confirms Petter Binde, Mustad’s Sales & Marketing CEO. 

The Capewell brand will remain unchanged and continues to be an integral part of Mustad´s market leading, global product offering. 

(end of text from Delta Mustad Hoofcare)

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Deltad? Mustelta? Two Farrier Industry Giants Combine Forces, Faces, Functions

Sorry, friends, I have been on the road and only today found a way to check email and this was in Thursday's email. It is a press release from Mustad Hoofcare and will be of interest to everyone in the farrier world, quite literally. I am posting this press release in its entirety, as received from the Mustad public relations firm. Companies and individuals with business relationships with the firms who have questions should contact Mustad and/or Delta directly.

FOREST LAKE, Minn. – (Nov. 6, 2008) – The Mustad Hoofcare and Delta Horseshoe families are joining forces to create an integrated team dedicated to the hoofcare industry and to the welfare of the horse.

Owned by its founding family since 1832, Mustad brings more than 175 years of manufacturing expertise to the newly combined entity, which also will benefit from Delta’s 25-year track record of distribution and brand building proficiency under the direction of the van der Linden family.

“We’ve long admired Delta and their reputation for being extremely close to the customer in everything they do, so it’s a great combination for us,” said Carlos A. Xifra, president of Mustad Hoofcare Center.

“We are extremely excited to join forces with the world’s leading manufacturer of farrier-related products,” said Remco van der Linden, president of Delta Horseshoe Company. “There is no doubt that our customers will benefit greatly from the added value created by the combined strengths of the two organizations.”

Both leaders said they expect to offer increased value to customers and to the hoofcare market, including a broader mix of products from a single source and simpler, faster delivery coast to coast.

There are no immediate changes to personnel or procedures at either company following today’s announcement. It will be “business as usual,” company officials said.

On Jan. 1, 2009, Mustad Hoofcare Center and Delta Horseshoe Company will be officially combined into a single operating entity. At that time, more details will be shared about the new organization, including how customers will benefit from expected operating efficiencies and synergies.

Both leaders will take on new roles: van der Linden will become the president of the combined organization, and Xifra will become the new horseshoe manufacturing director for the Mustad Hoofcare Group worldwide. The combined organization will continue to operate both locations, in Rocklin, Calif., and Forest Lake, Minn.

About Mustad Hoofcare Center
Based in Forest Lake, Minn., Mustad Hoofcare Center provides products to satisfy the needs of farriers, horse owners and veterinarians. Mustad Hoofcare Center is comprised of some of the industry’s leading brands, including St. Croix Forge, Capewell, Cooper, Tuff Stuff®, Thrushbuster® and Right Balance™.

About Delta Horseshoe Company
Based in Rocklin, Calif., Delta Horseshoe Company has been providing quality farrier-related products since 1984. Delta is committed to every aspect of the farrier industry and stays in constant communication with a worldwide network of manufacturers and farriers in order to provide the best and most current products available. It sells its products under a variety of widely recognized brands, including horseshoes, horsenails and tools under the Delta brand.

© 2008 Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing.

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