Friday, April 13, 2007

Palm Beach Laminitis Conference On-Line Registration Site Has Opened

I know that some of you are a little antsy about the details on the upcoming 4th International Equine Conference on Laminitis and Diseases of the Foot, to be held November 2-4, 2007 at the Palm Beach Convention Center in Palm Beach, Florida.

An online automated registration center has been opened, with registration being handled by the University of Pennsylvania.

The main site for the conference is

Hotel information is on that site as well, or you can call the West Palm Beach Marriott directly at 1-800-376-2292 if you are in the USA: Outside the U.S.: 561-833-1234. You can learn more about the hotel here: Refer to the "Laminitis Conference" when booking your room.

NOTE: There is a special "Laminitis Conference" rate of $139 per night, for reservations made before September 28, 2007. The Marriott is by far the closest hotel to the convention center, but there are other hotels in West Palm Beach if the Marriott sells out quickly. However, you will need to rent a car if you stay elsewhere. If you stay at the Marriott, you can fly in, use the hotel shuttle, and probably never need a car.

The first mailing announcement has gone out to Hoofcare & Lameness Journal subscribers and AAEP members; the committee will be announcing the speaker roster soon. I know that November sounds like a long time from now but soon we will all be so busy that we won't know what month it is!

I've been really pleased to hear how many vets and farriers are planning to attend together as teams. There are so many lectures, in both the "science" and "practice" lecture halls, that one person attending alone would probably get really frustrated. I know that's how I felt at the last one.

Some of the first sponsors to announce their affiliation with the meeting are (in addition to Hoofcare Publishing) Merial, Purina, Castle Bay Farm, and Thoroughbred Charities of America. Many more companies will be added to that list, I'm sure, and/or will be part of the trade show.

"Sponsoring" university vet schools are the University of Pennsylvania, The Ohio State University, and the University of Florida. That said, speakers for the scientific program will represent veterinary colleges from all over the world, including a delegation from the University of Queensland's Australian Equine Laminitis Research Unit, headed by Dr. Chris Pollitt as well as major roles played by Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital's Podiatry Clinic and the Palm Beach Equine Clinic.

The "practice" side of the program will be a world-class roster of laminitis-specialist veterinarians, nutritionists and an impressive lineup of farriers who will cover a broad range of hoof-related topics in addition to laminitis.

Obesity Awareness: ILPH Takes Scales on the Road to Convince Owners Their Horses are Overweight

To help horse owners establish what the right weight for their horses is, the International League for the Protection of Horses (ILPH) has started a new program called "Right Weight Road Shows" in Great Britain. On these days the general public will be invited to bring their horses to be weighed on a mobile weighbridge.

One of the problems with obesity, the ILPH contends, is that horse owners miscalculate the amount of work their horses actually perform. They may purchase a grain product too high in calories, or feed too much, and some horses need no grain at all for their sedentary lifestyles.

"It costs significantly more, takes longer and is far more difficult to rehabilitate an obese horse than an emaciated one," writes the ILPH on their new "obesity" web page.

"An emaciated horse that comes into ILPH care, providing it has no underlying conditions, can be back to the correct weight within three months," they write. "Conversely, a horse which is obese simply through overfeeding rather than because of some underlying cause, will take in the region of nine months to get to the correct weight. They are likely to suffer some long-term damage such as joint problems and, at the very least, their weight will always need monitoring. This is because once fat cells have been formed they will stay in the body forever, so a horse which has been overweight will become fat again far more easily.

"Many of the overweight horses and ponies we deal with will also suffer from laminitis, the treatment of which is prolonged and very expensive," says the ILPH.

In other ILPH news, the group is celebrating a court ruling on April 5th that levied a lifetime ban from keeping horses on an owner who neglected a pony's hooves.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Virginia law: Non-veterinarian horse dentists will be regulated as of July 1, 2007

According to the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation, the Commonwealth of Virginia's General Assembly session recently passed a law to regulate the practice of equine dentistry performed by someone other than a veterinarian. The new law states that only a registered equine dental technician (EDT) or a licensed veterinarian can work on a horse’s teeth professionally. It also outlines what procedures require a vet’s supervision, or must be performed by a veterinarian, whena horse is being worked on by an EDT.

A very interesting part of the new law is that International Association of Equine Dentists certification is listed as a requirement for non-veterinarians and non-veterinary technicians but that the exclusion to the certification is if the applicant can prove that he or she has been performing equine dentistry for five or more years and has the recommendation of two veterinarians.

There is some vague language in the bill, such as the words "board-approved" training program that may be defined in some document other than what is shown on the Internet.

To be specific, it reads: The Board may register a person as an equine dental technician who meets the following criteria: (i) satisfactory evidence that he is of good moral character, (ii) recommendations from at least two licensed veterinarians with practice bases that are at least fifty percent equine, and (iii) evidence that he holds current certification from the International Association of Equine Dentistry or a Board-approved certification program or has satisfactorily completed a Board-approved training program. The Board may register individuals who have not completed a Board-approved training program or do not hold a current certification from the International Association of Equine Dentistry or a Board-approved certification program if they have engaged in acts considered to be those of an equine dental technician as set forth in subsections C and D of this section for at least 5 years and provide the following: (i) satisfactory evidence of length of time of practice, (ii) recommendations from at least two licensed veterinarians with practice bases that are at least fifty percent equine, and (iii) proof of continued competency satisfactory to the Board.

The law prohibits non-veterinarians from using power tools in a horse's mouth and is quite specific what a technician can and cannot do without a veterinary license.

Read the complete law here.

The legislator who sponsored the bill has a web page on the bill where you can read its history. This bill flew through the state legislature in 90 days and passed unanimously every time it came up for a vote.

The new law takes effect on July 1, 2007.

Farrier Bill Crowder Has Died in Georgia

I just saw news of Bill Crowder's death on April 2; it is posted on the American Farrier's Association's web site:

Bill Crowder was vice-president of the Georgia Professional Farriers Association from 1992-93 and president from 1994-95; he operated a farrier school in the early 1970s. Bill worked as a farrier at the Olympics Games in Atlanta in 1996 as well as the Pan Am and Rolex 3-day events. In addition to his farrier activities, he was Past President of the American Cowboy Association.

According to the AFA: "Bill was very instrumental in the Georgia Professional Farriers Association even when he was not an officer. He held meetings and clinics at his shop. He strengthened the membership and got sponsors. He loved to teach or help other farriers. He didn't do it to gain credit for himself but only to help others become better farriers. Many of today's farriers have worked under Bill or have worked under someone who worked under Bill. Because of that, his legacy will continue. He is and will continue to be greatly missed."

Bill lived in Alpharetta, Georgia and has been a subscriber to Hoofcare and Lameness Journal since 1989. He was also involved in promoting Corona ointment for horses' wounds and I often saw him at trade shows around the country. He was always friendly, cordial and really interested in everything that was going on related to horses' feet and legs. I'll miss Bill. He was both professional and likeable--a magic combination that every one of us should emulate.

"EQUINE PODIATRY" Textbook Will Be Published in May; Reserve Your Copy Now!

First Announcement!
EQUINE PODIATRY by Drs. Andrea Floyd and Richard Mansmann
Estimated price $125 plus $10 post in USA (subject to change)
Available in May 2007

DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive text covers not only shoeing, but also medical and surgical foot care. Starting with anatomy and physiology, this one-of-a-kind book then evaluates the foot’s pathological conditions (structural, developmental, and traumatic conditions in addition to laminitis), balancing and shoeing the healthy and diseased hoof, and ends with new directions in equine podiatry, written by cutting-edge researchers. Written by and for both vets and farriers, this book eases collaboration on proper care of the foot. (text supplied by publisher)

• Gross Anatomy: Structure and Function
• Biomechanics of the Equine Hoof
• Microscopic Anatomy and Physiology
• Hoof Nutrition
• Visual Inspection and Manual Evaluation
• Diagnostic Analgesia of the Equine Foot
• Diagnostic Imaging
• Developmental Conditions
• Pathologic Conditions of the External Hoof Capsule
• Pathologic Conditions of the Internal Hoof Capsule
• Chronic Heel Pain
• Laminitis
• Principles of Trimming and Shoeing
• Discipline-Specific Trimming and Shoeing
• Shoeing the Diseased Hoof
• Shoeing the Diseased Limb
• Digital Amputation and Prosthetic Management
• Preventive Footcare
• Client/Farrier/Veterinarian Relations
• The Future of Equine Podiatry
• Bibliography, Appendix, Index

NOTE: This book is being offered sight-unseen, based on the reputation of the authors and discussion with Dr Floyd. I am sure that a review and/or excerpts from the book will be posted on this blog and/or published in Hoofcare & Lameness Journal, but for now, this is the only information available. Dr. Floyd is a laminitis-specialist practitioner and founder of Serenity Equine Clinic in Virginia; I highly recommend her web site,

FORMAT: Hardbound, approx 8.5 x 11”, 480 pg, 650 photos, radiographs, and illustrations, 400 in color

DELIVERY TERMS: Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery in US.

PAYMENT: Visa/Mastercard accepted or mail a check, no invoicing. US funds only. Pre-payment required on all orders; charges initiated when books are ready to ship. Visa/Mastercard required to hold copies.

Foreign orders: Until the weight of the book is disclosed, we cannot estimate shipping costs or time. You can reserve a copy for immediate shipment and we will notify you of the postage if it is outrageous.

HOW TO ORDER: Fax (best method) orders to USA 978 283 8775. Telephone orders to USA 978 281 3222; voice mail available for orders: speak slowly and leave all relevant information. If calling from a cell phone, please leave contact information twice. We will try to confirm receipt of all orders. Email orders to

(Here's a sneak peak at a couple of the excellent illustrations from the book; double click on the image to enlarge.)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Aintree Peoples Race "Jockey/Farrier" Had Never Sat on a Racehorse Before...

Welsh farrier Mark Galliers DWCF is counting the days now until he will be put to the test in the ultimate racing "reality show." The Welsh farrier was chosen as one of ten jockeys out of 3500 applicants to race in the People's Race on Grand National Day at Aintree in England. The catch: all had to be amateurs. The prize: Almost $200,000 to the charity of the winning jockey's choice.

Mark is farrier at the raceyard of trainer Evan Williams, who is coaching him and providing his mount. Mark's winnings--if he can beat the pawnbroker, the bricklayer, the fireman and other non-jockeys--will go to a Welsh children's charity cancer.

The race sponsor produced this video about the selection process and followed the green jockeys through their crash (sometimes literally) course at the British Racing School in Newmarket.

You can place a bet at Ladbrokes OTB online; click through sports to racing to Grand National and then look for "Peoples Race." I'm not sure if you have to be in the UK to bet through Ladbrokes or not. The race will also be shown live on the BBC's telecast of the Grand National.

Here's a link to the latest reports on Mark's campaign to become super-fit and psyched to win: