Showing posts with label 2006. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2006. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

ESPN, CBS Hoof It with the Hoof Pros at New York's Belmont Park

ESPN spent a morning with Tim Shortell at Belmont Park this week. Tim, a horseshoer on the New York tracks, explained the difference between low-toes, XTs, mud calks, etc. and shod a horse for the camera. Click here to go to the ESPN site to watch the video; sorry I can't post it here. Tim looks more like Clint Eastwood every day.

Meanwhile, CBS News called Hoofcare and Lameness to track down Ian McKinlay, and once they found him, reporter Dr. Debbye Turner (she's also a veterinarian) did a weekend feature on the quarter crack specialist. They will be posting the video online. It's nice to know that CBS reporters and producers are reading this blog!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nike Signs Big Brown to $90 Million Horseshoe Contract: Onion Makes Light of the Triple Crown Hoof Madness

The article that was posted here on Sunday has been deleted because too many people took it too literally. Click here to read this article on THEONION.COM.

I'm sure that The Onion's writers thought they were making all this high-tech horseshoeing stuff up; little could they know that the technology they describe is available...yet Big Brown wears a stock out-of-the-box shoe that is customized into the "designer model" Yasha cushion-heel prototype.

For those of you who don't know, The Onion is the nation's leading humor/satire publication and one the most popular web sites on the Internet!

Not even dearly departed Barbaro escapes the mirth of The Onion. Click here to read about The Onion's report on the Ghost of Barbaro appearing on the anniversary of his death to teach the world the True Meaning of Barbaro Day...

Note: The Onion is not intended for readers under 18 years of age. If you go to the site, prepare to possibly be offended.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation "Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit" Planned for Keeneland in October

A two-day workshop concerning the safety and soundness of the Thoroughbred racehorse, will be held on Monday, October 16, and Tuesday, October 17, at Keeneland racecourse in Lexington, Kentucky.

Three dozen individuals representing a cross-section of the breeding, racing and veterinary community have agreed to participate in the "Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit", which is sponsored by Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation.

The first morning session will be open to the public. There is no admission, but a voluntary donation to Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation will be accepted.

The open session will be followed by a closed round table discussion and subsequent breakout groups. Monday afternoon, each group will give a 30-minute presentation on their ideas. Participants will meet in a closed session again Tuesday to develop and recommend definitive action plans.

The open session will include panel discussions and presentations by the following participants:

* Dr. Rick Arthur and Dr. Larry Bramlage, “Trends in Thoroughbred Racing by the Numbers”

* Dr. Wayne McIlwraith, “Joint Trauma and Osteoarthritis (DJD) — A Major Cause of Attrition in Thoroughbred Racehorses”

* Dr. Michael “Mick” Peterson, “Extending the Careers of Racehorses Through Engineered Racing Surfaces”

* Dr. Sue Stover, “Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Injuries” and “Race Surface Preliminary Findings”

“To gain further public insight, we propose that anyone with suggestions is welcome to submit a one- to three-page summary of their ideas,” the Foundation's Ed Bowen said. “We will provide these summaries to the participants prior to the summit.”

Summaries should be sent in Word or WordPerfect to no later than October 1.

“Horses are the core of the racing industry, and their safety and soundness is paramount to the industry’s success,” said Dell Hancock, chairman, Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation. “We hope our findings also benefit horses of all breeds and disciplines.”

To learn more, please visit: Jockey Club press release was used as the primary source of this post.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

2006 AAEP Horse Owner Event Moved to Convention's Opening Day in San Antonio

The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) will host the 7th Annual Healthy Horses Workshop on December 2 in San Antonio, Texas. Held in conjunction with the AAEP's annual veterinary conference, the AAEP Healthy Horses Workshop will feature educational seminars and demonstrations designed specifically for horse owners and enthusiasts.
Topics and speakers for this year's event include:
  • Colic: What it Means to You & Your Horse Dr . David Freeman, Gainesville, Fla.
  • Equine Reproduction: From Conception to Birth Dr. Ben Espy, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Joint Disease & Lameness in the Horse: Why Does it Happen & What Can Be Done About It? Dr. James Casey, Laurel, Md.
  • Managing the Health & Well-Being of Your Aging or Geriatric Horse Dr . Nancy Loving, Boulder, Colo.
  • First Aid Tips for the Horse Owner (live horse demonstration) Dr. Mark Fitch, Boulder, Colo.
  • "The Problem Horse" (live horse demonstration) Dr . Mark Fitch, Boulder, Colo. and John Lyons, Parachute, Colo.
New this year is an afternoon live horse demonstration beginning at 1:45 p.m. which will feature clinician Dr. Mark Fitch and world-renowned trainer John Lyons (sponsored by Nutrena). They will demonstrate hands-on techniques including loading, handling the feet, saddling and more.
AAEP's Healthy Horses Workshop will take place from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Freeman Coliseum Grounds near downtown San Antonio, Texas. The pre-registration fee before November 6th is $75; after November 6th, please register on-site (on-site registration fee will be $90; lunch will be provided with the cost of registration). To register, visit and click on the Healthy Horses Workshop banner or call the AAEP office at (800) 443-0177 (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST).
Note: the information above is from the AAEP and slightly edited to fit HoofBlog style. It is important to note that this event takes place the day BEFORE the AAEP convention really opens, so you might need to adjust your travel plans to attend this event. Saturday at the AAEP Convention is a day for registrations, committee/forum meetings, and for those of us in the shameless commerce sector, setting up the trade show and tracking down lost shipments. The trade show will not be open that day. As a member of the press corps, I would love to be everywhere at once and will no doubt try.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

It's Saratoga Time!

My fingers are itching to flip the calendar over to August, because that will mean it is time to head to Saratoga, where Hoofcare & Lameness will have a satellite office this summer.

Be sure to let me know if you will be in Saratoga, and let's get together.

Plans are for a series of Tuesday night gatherings in the out-back function room at The Parting, a favorite traditional Irish restaurant and pub on Lake Avenue, just a block off Broadway.

Here's the schedule:
8 August--"New Product Night"--lots of samples and information on new products from our advertisers, or just come and say hello! We'll have plenty to talk about!

15 August--Come by after the dedication of the farriers memorial at the Oklahoma track; later in the evening, a wonderful presentation on new laminitis research for prevention, causes and treatment by Dr Don Walsh of Pacific Equine Hospital and the Animal Health Foundation. He raises the funds for Dr Chris Pollitt, Katy Watts, Phil Johnson and other leading researchers.

22 August--"Make history, not horseshoes". This is a marathon event; daytime events a few miles away at the Burden Iron Works in Troy, site of the world's largest horseshoe factory back at the turn of the century. I will post more about that event. In the evening, come by the office at the Parting Glass and meet Ada Gates, the first woman to be licensed as a farrier on a USA racetrack. She now owns Harry Patton Horseshoeing Supplies in Los Angeles and guess what! Her great grandfather was Henry Burden, of Burden Iron Works fame. This evening fun is sponsored by Life Data Labs, who helped us launch the Tuesday evening sessions last year.

What to expect: This is one Saratoga night out where you won't need a black tie, a designer dress, or big wads of cash. You can help me post to this blog, maybe, or show me photos of your boat or your horse or your latest work project. Meet some other people, see some new things, maybe have a laugh. I travel a lot in the winter and see people at trade shows and events, but these Tuesday nights are a chance to slow down and just enjoy your company!

The phone number for the satellite office in Saratoga is . Look for me in the morning on the backside or check our ad in The Saratoga Special. I'll be the one taking photos of feet. I will also post updates on this blog.