Showing posts with label advertisement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advertisement. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Budweiser Clydesdales "Lost Dog" Super Bowl Commercial: Stock Up on Beer and Tissues

Start your shopping list now. Whether host or guest at an annual Super Bowl party, you must be prepared with the universal classics your friends know and love: Nachos. Beer. Chicken wings. Chili. Maybe some more beer. That great dip that you spilled on the couch last year. (Oops!)

And don't forget to pick up a big box of tissues.

Tissues? You're going need them. And not to mop up the spilled dip. You've read this spoiler, it's too late: once the Budweiser Clydesdales' "Lost Dog" Super Bowl commercial hits the screen, there won't be a dry eye in the Man Cave.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Super Bowl in July? Watch a New Budweiser Clydesdale Commercial for FIFA World Cup Round of 16

This article has nothing to do with hooves, except for the fact that the Budweiser Clydesdales have big, heavy, famous ones.

By tonight, everyone will have seen this commercial, but here's a preview of what will surely make a delightful culture clash during ESPN's broadcast later today of the USA-Belgium match as the next level of FIFA World Cup competition begins for Team USA in Brazil.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hoofcare at the Super Bowl: Have the Commercials Gone to the Dogs?

I have a feeling this will be my favorite commercial during the Super Bowl on Sunday. This is just a preview. Quigley is a French bulldog and he reminds me of an ad we ran in Hoofcare + Lameness years ago. Mustad's ad agency, Scott Inc. of Milwaukee, put red high-top Keds on a horse. It is possibly my all-time favorite hoof ad.

So far, I haven't seen any Super Bowl commercials with horses. But rumor is that the Budweiser Clydesdales are scheduled to have a brand new commercial, as has been the custom for many years.

If my sources are correct, this one from the Budweiser Super Bowl commercial archives should be a clue to what you'll see in the Clydesdale commercial this year:

Has the Super Bowl gone to the dogs? It seems like most of the ads either feature dogs or are about cars. Volkswagen probably wins there, by combining cars and dogs in the same commercials. They are sticking with the Star Wars theme introduced last year, but even the galactic empire has gone to the dogs this year.

Audi has a terrific spoof on vampires, which you might not get if you aren't a Twilight fan.  Do you have a favorite that you've seen previewed? Are you as interested in the commercials as you are in the game? Share your favorites!

 Watch a great preview of many of the Super Bowl commercials on Adweek's web site.

I'd like to see Quigley in the Budweiser links to Adweek Magazine.
© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing; Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog is a between-issues news service for subscribers to Hoofcare and Lameness Journal. Please, no use of content without permission. You only need to ask. This blog may be read online at the blog page, checked via RSS feed, or received via a digest-type email (requires signup in box at top right of blog page). To subscribe to Hoofcare and Lameness (the journal), please visit the main site,, where many educational products and media related to equine lameness and hoof science can be found. Questions or problems with this blog? Send email to  
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any direct compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned, other than Hoofcare Publishing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Nothing Says "Happy Holidays" Like a Horse in the Snow

What, you're not in the holiday spirit? The Hoof Blog has a cure for that. Just sit down and watch my collection of favorite Christmas television commercials. All have horses featured in them.

If you don't have the ho-ho-ho's by the time you're finished watching these, try some egg nog and watch again.

1. First, a  montage of Irish Christmas commercials, past and present, including scenes from ads for Guinness, Land Rover, Kerrygold and some other companies I don't recognize (sorry):

2. More from Ireland: I love the Guinness ad, so let's look at that one in its entirety:

3. Here's the classic Christmas commercial, American-style: the 1987 Budweiser Vermont Christmas ad, shot in my old hometown of South Woodstock:

4. I don't remember when the Budweiser Clydesdales took credit for turning on the Christmas lights, but I'm happy they did it in this commercial:

5. Just for the record, Miller High Life beat Budweiser to Vermont; this one is from 1981 and still stands the test of time. What a classic:

6.  No snowman is safe when there are horses around. This Wells Fargo commercial makes that point very clearly!

Go ahead, use the little envelope symbol at the bottom of this post to email a link to this video collection and make it your Christmas greeting, too! Or use the symbols to share this on Facebook and Twitter. Spread the joy to the world!

Happy holidays to all!
Thanks for your support and friendship 
and all you do to help horses!

© Fran Jurga and Hoofcare Publishing; Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog may be read online at the blog page, checked via RSS feed, or received via a digest-type email (requires signup in box at top right of blog page).  Questions or problems with this blog? Send email to  
Follow Hoofcare + Lameness on Twitter: @Hoofblog
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Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any direct compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned, other than Hoofcare Publishing. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.